Low men in yellow coats by Stephen King

— widowed with a son barely out of diapers — but she was good at it and worked hard. Quite often she worked late. Bobby had been with his mother and Mr Biderman together on a couple of occasions — the company picnic was the one he remembered most clearly, but there had also been the time Mr Biderman had driven them to the dentist’s in Bridgeport when Bobby had gotten a tooth knocked out during a recess game — and the two grownups had a way of looking at each other. Sometimes Mr Biderman called her on the phone at night, and during those conversations she called him Don. But ‘Don’ was old and Bobby didn’t think about him much.

Bobby wasn’t exactly sure what his mom did during her days (and her evenings) at the office, but he bet it beat making shoes or picking apples or lighting the Tip-Top Bakery ovens at four-thirty in the morning. Bobby bet it beat those jobs all to heck and gone. Also, when it came to his mom, if you asked about certain stuff you were asking for trouble. If you asked, for instance, how come she could afford three new dresses from Sears, one of them silk, but not three monthly payments of $11.50 on the Schwinn in the Western Auto window (it was red and silver, and just looking at it made Bobby’s gut cramp with longing). Ask about stuff like that and you were asking for real trouble.

Bobby didn’t. He simply set out to earn the price of the bike himself. It would take him until the fall, perhaps even until the winter, and that particular model might be gone from the Western Auto’s window by then, but he would keep at it. You had to keep your nose to the grindstone and your shoulder to the wheel. Life wasn’t easy, and life wasn’t fair.

When Bobby’s eleventh birthday rolled around on the last Tuesday of April, his mom gave him a small flat package wrapped in silver paper. Inside was an orange library card. An adult library card. Goodbye Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and Don Winslow of the Navy. Hello to all the rest of it, stories as full of mysterious muddled passion as The Dark at the Top of the Stairs. Not to mention bloody daggers in tower rooms. (There were mysteries and tower rooms in the stories about Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, but precious little blood and never any passion.)

‘Just remember that Mrs Kelton on the desk is a friend of mine,’ Mom said. She spoke in her accustomed dry tone of warning, but she was pleased by his pleasure — she could see it. ‘If you try to borrow anything racy like Peyton Place or Kings Row, I’ll find out.’

Bobby smiled. He knew she would.

‘If it’s that other one, Miss Busybody, and she asks what you’re doing with an orange card, you tell her to turn it over. I’ve put written permission over my signature.’

‘Thanks, Mom. This is swell.’

She smiled, bent, and put a quick dry swipe of the lips on his cheek, gone almost before it was there. ‘I’m glad you’re happy. If I get home early enough, we’ll go to the Colony for fried clams and ice cream. You’ll have to wait for the weekend for your cake; I don’t have time to bake until then. Now put on your coat and get moving, sonnyboy. You’ll be late for school.’

They went down the stairs and out onto the porch together. There was a Town Taxi at the curb. A man in a poplin jacket was leaning in the passenger window, paying the driver.

Behind him was a little cluster of luggage and paper bags, the kind with handles.

‘That must be the man who just rented the room on the third floor,’ Liz said. Her mouth had done its shrinking trick again. She stood on the top step of the porch, appraising the man’s narrow fanny, which poked toward them as he finished his business with the taxi driver. ‘I don’t trust people who move their things in paper bags. To me a person’s things in a paper sack just looks slutty?

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