Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

Outside the Talents’ quarters, the corridors of the Washington still echoed muted sounds of celebration, although the Nebula class ship was now swinging around the rescued planet on its way out of the system.

Thian knew that the science officers would be busy at every available station, recording whatever scrap of surface information could be learned during the circumnavigation. Probes had returned with samples which would be analysed and essayed. He watched as the planet turned under him even as the Washington turned round the planet to the original sight he had had – – – had it only been two days before? The forest fire had gone out, doused by a rain system which, unfortunately, resulted in smoke obscuring that area so the cause of the conflagration remained a mystery. The creatures which had fled the fire were now browsing by the lake which had saved them and, though none appeared to be more than a variety of large ruminants, grazers, and several equally big predators, none acted with any sentience.

`And not a single creature will ever know, or care about the fate we saved them from,’ Gravy said softly from the open door to his room.

When she had come off duty the night before, they’d done some private celebrating. All her patients would recover and she was no longer fearful for the progress of several of the `Dini burn victims.

Thian held out his arm and she came across on bare feet to stand in under it. She liked the fact that she fitted just there. He closed his arm and pulled her against him.

`Are we on our way out of this system, Thi?’ she asked, noticing the rotation.

He nodded. `Orders came in. If that door opens, be prepared to get `ported back in.’ She started to release him and he pulled her back against him.

`All the brass’s there and they’ve a lot of talking to do, so I don’t think we need worry. Besides, MisonAnne,’ and he looked down at her, `I’d rather stop playing hide-and-seek `Thian, you know perfectly that your folks will have someone better in mind for you than a T-5

empath who’s – Thian put one finger across her lips. `Don’t you poor-mouth yourself in my hearing, Lieutenant Senior Grade, sir, ma’ am!’ `Look, you were a raw kid – – -` I’m no raw kid now, AlisonAnne Greevy, Thian said, turning to pull her full against him and pushing her head up to catch her lovely blue eyes, and I have far more need of a comfortable T-5 empath whom I happen to love, respect and admire for certain earthy and caring qualities I haven `t found anywhere else.

If we can still stand each other’s company at the end of this mission, I’d say we had a good chance of enjoying a good life together.

And I’ll probably opt for full service as a naval Prime. I’d be the first . I can talk Granddad into creating the position.

Alison could and often did shield her thoughts from him but not the wisfful hope in her eyes.

`If you’re thinking of Flavia Bastianmajani, don’t, he said and kissed her, loving her with mind, heart and soul. `She had other ideas even when we first met.’ `She did?’ Thian threw his head back, laughing at her indignation. `She’s probably as assiduously pursuing her own way as I have been mine!’ `A trained T-1 like Flavia?’ `Sometimes, MisonAnne, you astound me.

`Well, I like to be able to do just that, I can tell you, Prime thian Lyon, sir.

`Good. Come, astound me now. I think I’ve some free time to fill.’ When Thian was called, late that evening, to make contact with Earth Prime, it was to ask permission to exchange the damaged Mrdini destroyer KLTS with the KLLM currently in Squadron D. That was agreed though the other two ships comprising the squadron were to be sent back to be refitted.

I’m told there’s an adequate bng on board the Valparaiso so you can send those dissidents back and rid yourself of unnecessary baggage, Earth Prime added.

Thian had not liked that aspect of his responsibilities but it was now no secret that several attempts had been made to tamper with the Washington’s missiles’ guidance systems. Suspects had been interrogated by the NI officers, with Thian watching in a covert observation booth. In all but one case his Talent wasn’t needed and, in that one, he had felt both distress and pity that the ensign, a young woman of otherwise inpeccable record in her duties in the engine complex of the Washington, felt it her duty to humankind to destroy the first of the Nebula class design because a ship that huge and powerful was against the wishes of the God her native planet revered.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne