Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

`No matter how we conduct this Hiver campaign, Prime, we’re going to have to learn new techniques and some will prove fatal. Maybe not as suicidal as what the KVS might have in mind, but certainly more daring than the usual tactics.

`Maybe the Columbia’s in the wrong squadron if that’s your thinking, ma’am.’ The captain’s eyes were ice-green as she gave the Talent a long look.

`Where do you – personally – stand on that ground?’ `I come from a planet that is barely settled. I’m used to hunting to feed my family.

There are times when aggression is required, but certainly not courted.

However, I would feel privileged to serve with you on one that might test my theories, too.

`Theories?’ The captain leaned forward with obvious interest.

Flavia smiled and dismissed the question. `Right now, let us pass the immediate danger point, keeping the KVS with the squadron. I am obliged to inform you that this sort of manoeuvre is not specifically mentioned in the parameters of my assignment to Squadron B.’ `I didn’t think it was. I’d call it “bending” to exigencies, myself and it will be noted in my log as a means to the end of saving a planet. I’ll hope we can do without too much such “bending” but `I would consider any reasonable request, Captain.’ `I appreciate that, Prime. So let this `portation be duly authorized and executed. I’d rather explain this than how a valuable Alliance ship defected. How soon before you can effect this – – by-pass?’ `Within the hour.’ Vestapia Soligen regarded Flavia with open admiration and a genuine relief dominated her-public mind.

So, the captain had entertained the same notions Rhodri had voiced.

`The sooner the better!

Transferring the Talents to their designated ships, revving generators to their highest effective performance level and alerting every Talent on the human ships was all done within the specified hour.

First, Flavia sent her mind ahead to locate the identifiable pulsations and small mass of the beacon.

Then she called for each of her Talents to gather the lesser ones into the individual merges before she integrated first Rhodri, then Jesper, Mallen, Asia and finally the fine strong blaze of Talent that was Zara.

Let’s get there! Flavia said, seizing the exact peak of the generated power for the gestalt.

We’ve got here! was Zara’s exultant response a second later.

When Zara was `ported back on the Columbia, she made straight for Vestapia’s ready room and requested an interview `Ma’am, Captain Kinal definitely would’ve defected.

It’s a bit upset at being where it never expected to arrive in the first place, and in the second place isn’t too to have been denied “honourable action”. KimI s words. My `Dinis say that it’s raging that it has been assigned to such a – well, there isn’t really a Basic equivalent but ` Zara shrugged her inadequacy.

`Bunch of spineless slugs?’ Vestapia suggested.

`That’s close,’ she replied though there was little levity in her tone. `So I took the liberty of reminding Kimi that this planet had the priority. I get the distinct impression its orders differ from yours.

`In that, Prime, you demonstrate an astute understanding of a classified situation. Do I make myself clear?’ `You do, Captain.’ `See that it remains classified. And, by the way, Flavia has seen the matter clearly but I would rather the others do not.’ `They already may but they won’t talk about it.

`We should make an appropriate orbit in three days max. I shall require Captain Kimi to make the initial landing, hopefully deflising a lot of pent-up resentment. I don’t think there’s a chance there’re any Hivers left alive down there but you never know. And since Kimi is so eager to meet the enemy, let us give him first go.

Zara hesitated, then grinned. `You did know that your marines would prefer to claim that distinction?’ `They can gain ancestral merit by guarding the scientists everywhere they need to go.

`Yes, ma’am. Did you wish me to convey your orders to Captain KimI?’ `Please, since I can barely manage “good morning and do you require supplies” but even that much is progress for me.

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