Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

The dinner went on and on, with numerous courses, and much conversational time between each. Then Thian began to appreciate the ulterior motive of such a lengthy and seemingly formal affair. By the end of it, every one of the top ranking officers had had a chance to assess each other, and the Primes, either by direct conversation or by observation.

When the final course of savouries had been finished, and after-dinner beverages had been replenished, the stewards withdrew, the double doors swooshing shut and Captain Ashiant rose.

`Captains, Primes and commanders, while we are still far enough away from the Hiver’s objective, wherever that may be,’ Ashiant began and received a few chuckles, `I suggest that you take advantage of the lull to inspect the new facilities aboard the Washington personally. I know that the two Constellation class ships have had the new weapons systems installed and so has the Solidarity but we must all be aware of how these missiles can be effectively used. if we need to employ them.’ WHY HAVE THEM IF NOT TO USE THEM?’ Ktpl asked bluntly.

Ashiant levelled a glance at Ktpl. `OUR ORDERS ARE WRITTEN SO THERE IS ONLY ONE MEANING, CAPTAIN KTPL.’ He glanced around to be sure that all the humans had understood his `Dini reply. While Thian noted that Ashiant’s command of the `Dini language had improved in accent and fluency, he wasn’t surprised when the captain continued in slow and well enunciated Basic. `The Alliance High Council has spoken in these orders and guides us all in the performance of the objectives of this mission. We have the greatest fleet ever to set out across this galaxy. We will accomplish its aim: to be sure the remaining Hive spheres do not destroy lifeforms, do not begin two new colonies. When that is done, as you all know, this fleet is to separate and investigate other G-type star systems with M-5 planets that have been by-passed. And establish their condition. Five years have been allotted to these tasks. Let us drink to success, captains, Primes and commanders.’ Solemnly all rose and the toast was repeated by human and `Dini alike.

Thian rather hoped that this ended the evening but the diners left the long table and congregated in smaller groups: some officers renewing acquaintances while others solemnly discussed details.

`Don’t turn,’ said a low voice behind him and, recognizing Ashiant’s tone, Thian complied. `Would you be good enough to `port me to your quarters for breakfast tomorrow morning, Thian? Raven said you’d know me well enough to find me wherever I am on a ship, even the size of this one.’ Thian bent his head, appearing to smooth down his hair as he murmured his reply. `I can if you really require such security, sir.’ `This once, I do.’ Ashiant immediately drifted away, raising his voice to address Captain Cheseman of the Solidarity.

Thian was still puzzling over that request when Clancy wandered up to him to say that they could politely leave any time now that two of the captains had bid Ashiant a polite farewell.

Thian `told’ Clancy about Ashiant’s request. `Why should a captain, a fleet admiral, have to resort to such tactics, Clancy?’ Thian asked, uneasy about subwrfiige.

`Doubtless he’ll tell us tomorrow morning at breakfast,’ Clancy said, not at all perturbed. `And that’s going to come soon enough,’ he added, glancing at the digital which flashed 0235 at them. `At 0645.

`I’ll just secure this door,’ Rojer said, waving his hand across the inner door pad. `I never knew a dinner could last this long and everyone – well, neady everyone still be stone cold sober.’ Having set his internal alarm, Thian was awake at precisely 0630, showered and dressed by 0642. He found Clancy in the lounge ahead of him with a table for four loaded with covered dishes.

`Thanks!’ `Know my way about a ship’s galley better’n you would.’ `Nonsense, – said Rojer, yawning as he joined them, his short hair still wet and soaking the neck of his fresh shipsuit. `You took a good few peeks into those stewards’ minds last night so you’d know the exact layout and when not to freak `em out of their minds, porting stuff up here.

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