Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

Commander Yngocelen pointed out that the weapon ports would do nicely: there were sufficient of them to penetrate into the ship and then it was a simple matter to `port in sufficient explosives to disintegrate it.

Several conferences on the disposition of the refugee sphere decided that dispersing the lethal gas was not an urgent matter. Rojer had suffered no harm in his escape pod and another would handily accommodate the Rowan, Thian and the third T-1 while they surreptitiously eased the refugee ship out of its holding orbit and beyond the range of the ground battenes.

Permission was also given to destroy any pursuit vessels that the Hiver world might launch. The biggest they would have, according to all information the `Dinis had amassed, would be surface-to-orbit shuttles. The scout vessels might be stored on the closed sphere and blown up along with the ship, but if they were available as deep-space pursuit, the squadron received permission to destroy them, too.

Assuming that there was, indeed, no inter-colony communication, this Hiver world could not call for reinforcements which might follow the squadron’s ion trail. By the time a suitable deep-space vessel could be constructed on this world, any traces would have dissipated.

With plans and materiel in place, Thian’s arival was keenly awaited. His grandmother thought he looked a trifle gaunt but she caught a remarkable energy exuding from him, once he recovered from a stunned surprise at finding her on board the Genessee.

`Where’s Rojer then?’ he asked, glancing about him, having looked forward to a reunion with his brother.

His `Dinis, Mur and Dip, were also looking about, for they had been eager to see Gil and Kat. He was perplexed by the minute shock he read from his grandmother. An indefinable sadness darkened her eyes.

Then, with a nod of greeting to the `Dinis, the Rowan unexpectedly hooked her arm in her tall grandson’s and walked him from the cargo bay, Thian’s `Dinis following discreetly. As they moved slowly in the direction of the captain’s ready room, she told him what had happened.

She managed to time her report so that they were within the ready room by the time she had to relate the sacrifice Gil and Kat had made to protect Rojer from Prtglm. She soothed Thian with what mental easing she could while he held his grieving `Dinis tightly against him.

When they had regained some composure, she explained what action was now proposed.

Thian had no reservations about what he obviously considered necessary destruction, only determination and an eagerness to assist her in any way possible. She was well pleased with a mental attitude that did not emanate any vengefulness or malicious delight; feelings which she had sensed in some officers and many crew members. She preferred to think of their coming actions as deterrent rather than vindictive.

Know that your father is not of a militant disposition, the Rowan said, honour requiring her to mention the fact.

Dad find me a hardened millitant all my months on board a `Dini ship, but that would not be why I find this course of action justified, Grandmother. Until we can communicate with the Hive species .

That you’ll never be able to do, the Rowan said flatly. I know!

But I understood that the captive queen Is understood at only a very basic level, and on the one or two occasions when a human has been in her presence, the visitor has been totally’ ignored as if the human didn’t exist I’m beginning to think that they don’t recognize any species but their own.

Thian gave a wry grin. You sure do hate `em, don’t you, Grandmother?

No, Thian, I wouldn’t waste such a powerful emotion on them. At the same time, I will not tolerate any depredations when I can prevent them. That’s the distinction which I don’t think your father is willing to appreciate. No matter. By the way, did your grandfather mention the identity of the third Prime?

No, and Thian grinned down at his diminutive grandmother, looking more like a slender young girl in the lavender shipsuit she was wearing. He likes his little surprises, doesn’t he? When he can pull them on you.

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