Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

`Don’t do that,’ Thian said, answering yawn with yawn as he slipped onto the couch.

Oh I’m so glad to hear from you, Thian, Flavia said. We’ve got three behind us unless our sensors are seeing triple Don’t fret. Is Captain Soligen near by? your gunnery officer?

I called Rhodri. He can take down the information and save you more effort. You’re tired.

Never mind. Link with Rhodri so he can ask any relevant questions. Here’s the way Yngocelen’s made the surprise package.

Hey, coz came the unmistakable tones of Rhodri Eagles, that is one neat little dealie. We’ve got everything on board, too. Ah, Captain just arrived. I’ll see f’ she has any queries.

Oh, Thian, will this work? Flavia was trying very hard to maintain her usual composure.

These men know what they’re doing with explosives. And we know how to deliver. Remember where there’re all those connecting pipes in Refugee’s engine room, Flavia?

Yes, yes, I do.

That’s where you plant it. Detonation can be set just before you `port it. Yngie suggests no more than five seconds because it just might be noticed. They see better in the dark than we do.

I’ve got that. Captain Sohgen sends you her most profound thanks and LieutenantCommander Searles says it’s neat, easily assembled and he’s just left to do it. Vesta says she’s going to do the ones behind us first. She says it makes her nervous having those things rolling up our backs ides.

I’d agree. Clancy’s taking the first watch so let him know what happens.

There was a brief pause when Thian knew that Flavia had not yet broken the contact.

Good luck, Thian Lyon!

Good luck right back at you, Flavia Bastianmajani! And give Rhodri a chance to help `port. He’ll never stop bragging but that’d be better than his complaining he was left out.

I had actually decided to bring him in on it. Flavia’s mental tone held a ripple of amusement.

While Thian slept, curled around AlisonAnne, with Mur and Dip snuggled against his back, he had good dreams. And while he slept, Flavia, with assists from Rhodri and her brother – Zara flatly refused to have anything to do with the `portations – delivered the packages.

`She said,’ Clancy reported to Thian over breakfast, `that everyone joined the countdowns and saw the distant bursts that marked the destruction. Captain Soligen reports all four spheres removed and she’s running at top speed to join us. Flavia said that Earth Prime was delighted.’ He waited a beat, ducking his head, his expression full of chagrin. `I thought we should have waited until you were awake and could do the honours. Rojer spoke out, too, but once Yngie had assembled the bombs, Spktm couldn’t wait to see if they’d work so Captain Ashiant ordered us to despatch em.

`What’re you looking like that for, then, coz? You didn’t muff the job, did you?’ `Hell, no!’ Clancy said on a nervous laugh, but I really think it was totally unfair for you not to be able to plant one.

Thian gave Clancy an affectionate clout on the shoulder. `So long as you left Number Three for me – and he fixed his cousin with a stern stare.

Clancy raised his hands and recoiled slightly at the thought of such perfidy.

`OK, then! Relax. So long as Number Three’s mine!’ `Only because Captain Ashiant wants to be sure, said Rojer, joining them then, `it leads us to the right star.

`Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Tell me, please, which one you are!’ Clancy said, grinning with devilment.

The two Primes groaned in unison.

Any word on which?’ Thian asked.

`Not yet, but we’ve got six scouts doing broad sweeps and it can’t take for ever – – – If Number Two had to stop to resupply, Number Three must be running low, too.

`Maybe she did,’ Clancy said. `Wasiq had been running through D’s log tapes and found that they had lost the trail for about three weeks and had to trawl ů around to pick it up again.’ `Stierlman never mentioned that.’ `Well, it’s in the official log.’ `Bet Ashiant was furious,’ Thian said, cursing Stierlman.

`With Captain Halstead, not Stierlman. At least they found the ion trail again.

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