Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

Thian sighed. `How far behind Number Three are we hanging?’ `Far enough so there’s no chance of any known sensors picking us up on Number Three.

`But, if they do have communications `Look, bra, the spheres that got blown up wouldn’t have had time to send a click, clack or clatter!’ `A lack of communications from ships known to have been operable and following Number Three would make the rest of them suspicious,’ Thian said, running an impatient hand through his hair, and hauling back into place the white lock that was always falling in his eyes.

`Ashiant feels the same way,’ Clancy said and then shrugged. `But they won’t know what took `em out. I’d say Great-Uncle is making sure none leave Alliance space. Ashiant ordered the KLTR and the Comanche to hang back and sweep for any late arrivals.’ `So, it’s a waiting game again, is it?’ Thian said.

`Looks that way,’ Clancy replied.

`We can always pass the time making up a few more packages, Thi,’ Rojer suggested. `We don’t know how many Hiver colonies there are, or how many spheres lurk on our way to Paradise Regained.’ The Franklin, crewed by a mixture from the Vadim and the Galaxy KLTS, discovered Number Three’s destination: a youngish G-type star, matching the original Hiver primary within .0378 disparity in its spectrum which the astrogators considered close enough. It had eleven planets, two of them with the suitable atmospheres and the correct proportion of land mass to sea that Hivers preferred, in the M-5 and M-6 positions.

The sphere would shortly have to make a course alteration if this were, indeed, the primary it sought.

Tension mounted in the Fleet while reports from Captain Soligen that she had `surprised’ another sphere coming up behind her added to the dismay of those wanting to reach confrontation.

Captain Ashiant broadcast ship-wide that as soon as Number Three made that course correction to approach the heliopause of that system, they would intercept it.

As a precaution, he asked Thian to arrange the `portation of Captain Spktm and the KSTS and two Galaxy class, the KLTL and the Vadim, and the destroyers KLTS and the Comanche, in case Number Three sent her three scouts out ahead of her to confirm the suitability of the system. He recalled the furthest ranging scouts but let the Franklin and the Revere remain with the task force.

Jeff Raven reported phenomenal success with the Genessee ploy and Captain Osullivan was reassigned to one of the newly commissioned Constellation class ships to play an active part in the defence of the Alliance. His old crew toasted their former captain with considerable enthusiasm, with Captain Germys springing for the beverages served. If Rojer looked a little smug, since it was he who had actually originated the Genessee ploy, no-one who knew that denied him that right.

Since Zara remained `unavailable’ for the offensive manoeuvre, Captain Soligen redeployed her squadron to cover a larger area of space. Asia and Mallen Bastianmajani were transferred to the KMTM and Rhodri and Jes to the Valparaiso: the two Galaxy class ships hung slightly back of the Columbia’s centre and she was guarded by the two destroyers as she maintained her course following the ion trail of Number Three, the main Fleet ahead of her.

Only one more sphere ship met its end by their method but, to the chagrin of the main Fleet, it gave Squadron B an impressive total without a single casualty.

`Number Three’s slowed,’ Ashiant said over the comunit to the Talents. `She’s hanging outside the heliopause. Ah, now she’s deploying her scouts. Could she have sensor readings of our forward elements?’ `Whether she has or not, sir, will it make any difference now when she receives the package?’ Thian asked, striding towards his couch. This one’s mine, remember!

Gee, can’t we watdi? Rojer asked in a pesky kidbrother voice.

`Commander Yngocelen, here, Prime Thian, package is ready to go.

`Thank you, Commander.’ Thian settled himself’, caught the gestalt of the generators, `found’ the explosive package where it sat on the floor of the landing bay, sent his mind ahead to the darkness of Number Three’s engine room, the macaroni junction of tubes and pipes and `ported the package there.

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