Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

`Captain, it’s very odd, and I don’t know how it could have happened,’ the Talents heard a perplexed Vandermeer saying, `but I could have sworn the Athene was in the starboard flank position . .

`Incoming message from the Athene, sir…` the com officer announced.

`Full marks to the Athene bridge crew, First,’ Ashiant said in a calm voice, rippling with an undertone that the Talents had no problems identifying as suppressed amusement.

`Incoming query from the Comanche, sir – – `Tell them to hold their current new positions. A drill has been in progress. Full security was in force. Put the Comanche on … Ah, Captain Derynic, your bridge crew needs a bit of sharpening. The Athene reported the change of position a full two minutes before you did.

I want every crew fully alert. We may have defeated one Hive sphere but we’ve another one we know of out there, and we still are not positive they have no intercolonial communications of a nature we have yet to understand. Yours is the conn, First.’ Ashiant returned to the Talent ready room. Once inside and the door closed, he enjoyed a hearty chuckle.

`I think that’s a drill that’s proved more efficacious than most I’ve ordered,’ he said, coughing a bit into his hand as he finished his laugh. `Did it prove conclusive for you as well, Primes?’ `Yes, indeed,’ Rojer and Thian chorused.

`With a little more practice none of `em will hesitate, Thian added. `Now, sir, our problem becomes more a matter of protocol: which captain’s ship goes first of the bigger ones. We’ve just proved we can swap destroyers with only their indigenous Talent merging.

`It’s the mass that’s the problem?’ `Not as much as whose nose’ll be out of joint by being left to last.

`That’s no problem at all, Primes,’ Ashiant said. `I’ll give the orders and they’ll be followed. Captain Spktm on the KSTS goes first, then Captain Germys and the Genessee. I’d want all the destroyers next, then the rest of the Galaxies, and the Washington last. How does that sound?’ `Fine, sir. We’ll need to rearrange some Talents to more critical positions `Any way you need `em `And it’ll take two days to complete the `portation.

`That all?’ Ashiant seemed mildly surprised.

Thian wasn’t sure if the surprise was favourable or not.

`With respect, sir, Commander KIoo said, `the mass to be `ported is considerable.

`I wasn’t complaining, KIoo.’ Ashiant turned to Thian. `There is a Talent along with Squadron D, isn’t there? To give you an assist?’ `Yes, sir, we’ll be in contact with him as soon as we’ve rearranged personnel. That’ll take the rest of today.’ Ashiant nodded and returned to his bridge, leaving the Talents gazing at each other in puzzlement.

`I don’t think he really understands what’s involved, AlisonAnne said thoughtfully.

`I’m not all that sure I do, either,’ Thian said. He gave himself a shake and briskly started compiling lists of which key Talents would have to be moved and to which ship.

When Thian made contact, the mind of T-2 Stierlman on board Squadron D’s Galaxy class ship, the Valparaiso, exhibited such surprise and consternation for the task to be performed that Thian immediately deleted the man from his range of key links. Stierlman’s job at his end only required holding a firm mental tone as a beacon. The very mention of the proposed merge weakened Stierlman’s touch to the tentativeness of a Tower novice. Thian’s sister, Petra, would have been more use. How had Laria stood the man’s indecisiveness for as long as she had?

The distance, Prime, it’s the distances involved, Stierlman rabbited on. They keep getting longer and longer. We’ve no right to intrude so far from our homeworlds. We really don’t.

They’re so far away.

Then you’ll be relieved to hear that the Valparaiso is scheduled to be returned to Phobos Base for refitting.

She is? And I can return with her? Hope strengthened his mental touch.

Most certainly. I would insist on it, Stierlman. You’ve been on such a long tour. Thian gritted his teeth as he `pathed that reassurance but he needed Stierlman able to operate for just two more days.

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