Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

But how will we get back? We’re such a long way out.

Oh, no problem, Stierlman. This fleet’s Talent heavy, which wasn’t accurate even though Thian felt that he’d reassigned the right people to the right positions. We’ll be with you tomorrow. what’s your current time?

Ah oh – – 1635.

Inform Captain Halstead that the Constellation Class AS KSTS, Captain Spktm, will be `ported to join you at 0800 your time tomorrow.

what do I have to do? A thin line of barely contained fear trembled in the mental voice.

Nothing, Stierlman, Thian said kindly. You `re already there and we’ve only to join you.

Two days later `we’ve only’ was a choice of words that Thian with any of the `portations but it had been a draining process for the T-is and T-2s who bore the brunt of each merge.

The fact that each merge had different components also added to the strain on the merge focus. The second day, after a hasty conference, Thian `ported back specially selected 3s and 4s from those whose ships had already joined Squadron D. Rojer had gone to the KSTS to strengthen future links since Stierlman was useless.

Thian had reluctantly sent AlisonAnne to the Genessee with orders for her to report to the Valparaiso and find out what was wrong with Stierlman.

He had occasion to wonder if he shouldn’t perhaps have brought the Washington across first and managed from there. But he had no cogent reason why that would have worked better. Especially once he managed the final and major merge that `ported the Nebula class ship.

Now, anyone wakes either Roj or myself any reason short of a Hiverfleet materializing in front of us, I’ll kill `im.

So help me, I Thian sighed with immense relief as his heavy, hurting head touched the softness of his pillow and he was immediately asleep.

Though AlisonAnne swore herself blind that Thian had slept fourteen hours without moving, that his `Dinis had been up and about and eaten and were giving their usual tutorials, Thian was positive he had only just put his head to the pillow when she shook him awake.

`I am sorry, Thian, honey, but Rojer says you’ve got to talk to Earth Prime, too. It’s real urgent.’ She separated the last two words to emphasize them, her face so bad-news blank that he didn’t want to `look’ in his present half-conscious state. He drank the stimulant beverage she handed him, grateful that it was cool enough to drink off quickly.

He grabbed the clean ship suit she handed him and, slipping his feet into the soft-soled shoes he preferred, strode across the lounge to the ready room. He had worked the kinks out of his shoulders and his neck by the time the door opened for him. Both Rojer and Clancy were on their couches; Semirame KIoo leaned against the wall, arms crossed on her chest, watching their faces which were blank with concentration. She glanced briefly away from them as Thian entered and jerked her head for him to take his place fast.

He had already picked up the thread of mental message which the two were receiving.

inform the captains to prepare. I know the missiles are heavy work but you `re going to need all you can stuff on board Jeff sounded as if he’d let off a long whistle of Thian! Good morning, said Earth Prime, aware of his entry into the discussion. Briefly, I’ll repeat what I’ve detailed to Rojer arid Clancy. Those warning beacons the squadrons have been setting in the heliopause of Hive-occupied worlds are going off one after another. Captain Soligen informs us that Squadron B is in pursuit of two and worried about another one or two coming up behind them. With only two Galaxy class and two destroyers, one of them minus significant numbers of its ordinary complement, she is not really equipped to tackle two or more Hivers and their complement of over-armed scouts. Nor does she have the new Hive-hull piercing missiles.

Did that mad `Dini captain set off in the captured sphere?

Thian thought with a groan. Did Captain Kimi have any armament?

Did Flavia tell it where we figured the missile controls were?

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