Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

Ashiant began to pace then, hands behind his back.

`We don’t yet know if their comparable primary has been discovered, do we? How far ahead could you `port a scout, Prime?’ `Using the mass of Sphere Three as one reference point, we could possibly send it that much further beyond as the distance between our current position and the sphere’s.’ We’ve never done anything like that, Thian, Rojer said, his mind tone aghast with consternation.

I think we may have to do a lot of things that haven’t been done before, Roj. But I know we could manage that.

The exchange was so brief that Thian did not miss Ashiant’s reply.

`We might be in a tactically superior position if we could establish exactly where the sphere is headed.

I know I would feel a considerable relief if that could be ascertained.

`Excuse me, sir,’ Kloo said, `but we don’t even know what they’re looking for. How would we be able to find what they haven’t?’ `Since we now have a sizeable file on what they haven’t wanted, perhaps any G-star registering odd fluctuations or variations or sun-spot activity, or aberrations not listed, would be worth staking out. This third sphere – and for the first time since receiving news of the unfavourable developments, Captain Ashiant vented agitation. `Bells!

Gentlemen, this is Operation Number Three. So, Number Three will undoubtedly have to make a course correction at some point. If advance scouts – we d best deploy all we have `and he paused to look queryingly at Thian who nodded with more energy than he felt for such a project.

`We will be in a better position to cover possible objectives.

KIoo, you’ll command the Revere and, when you assemble your crew, include LieutenantCommander Langio. She’s the best astrogator, and whatever other personnel might be useful in that aspect. I’ll have to let other captains have their byte on selections but you’re mine.

KIoo looked briefly towards Clancy but caught Thian’s quick head shake and, saluting, retired from the room.

The comunit buzzed then. `Sir,’ said the com officer, Eki Wasiq, `we’ve replies from everyone and most are ready to lift on the “go” from the Primes.’ Ashiant nodded to the three Talents. `I’ll want all three of you at this strategy conference, too.’ Do we know what we `re getting ourselves in for, bra? Rojer asked, echoing the sentiments Clancy held clear to be seen as the three jogged back to their ready room.

No, but we’ve done pretty well so far, handling matters as they come, haven’t we? Thian said with a grin as he swung his feet up on the couch and began to lean into the generators for gestalt. He would use as much artificial help as he could, to spare his energies for what he was undoubtedly to be saddled with all too soon. And I’m Just as scared as you are.

Neither Prime was at all surprised when their `Dinis entered the room and settled beside them as if on guard.

`Who’re we to pick up first, Mr Wasiq?’ Thian asked.

`Give them to us in batches of threes, please.

`Ah, well, Spktm, Prim and Ktpl sound awful eager `Is there a `Dini officer available to greet them properly?’ `Aye, sir.’ Take `em in order, Thian said to Rojer and Clancy and reached out to grasp the `Dini carrier from the Constellation KSTS.

`All in neatly, Thian,’ Wasiq said, a note of relief in his voice.

`Next are Captains Shepherd, Cheseman and Germys.’ All were on board within fifteen minutes and, as the Talents rose from their couches, AlisonAnne appeared with a tray of high-protein bars and more stimulants.

`I told Commander Exeter that you’d need watching, she said, glaring at the three, `and you will! Even your `Dinis know something big’s up.’ They don’t know the half of it, do they? Thian said grinning as he grabbed up some of the bars and deposited them in his thigh pockets and drained the beverage. Rojer and Clancy followed his example.

`Gravy,’ he added, grasping her elbow, so she’d at least get an empathic reading of the urgency of the day, `get in touch with all T-2s and T-3s and have them alert and ready for unexpected duties.’ Do I use the code?

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