Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

`I’d need a few details but, considering the fuel Hive ships use, a rather compact package of the right stuff would set off a fuel reaction nothing could stop.’ The gunnery officer was unable to stop grinning at such a satisfactory prospect.

`Do we have the requisite components on board?’ `Sir, I believe we do.’ `That’s all well. Our Talents need to reserve their energies for exportation rather than importations.

Ashiant’s little witticism took a moment to sink in but Rojer caught it and gave a laugh which he tried to smother behind both hands.

A few more chuckles allowed Ashiant to grin in response. `So, I’ve preempted the Revere for my scout crew, you gentlemen had best decide on how to man the other five scouts the Washington carries so we can implement the next task on our list – finding the damned star now we know what its spectrum is.’ Thian took that opportunity to lean towards Ashiant.

`Sir, if I may excuse myself briefly to inform Captain Soligen of the diy `The diy, Prime?’ `Yes, sir, the destroy-it-yourself…

Captain Soligen

it’s missing here. So what’s this variant on the Genessee

will be very anxious to deal with those three spheres as soon as possible and she should. Who knows how many more we’ll have to deal with! She’s got the Talent to get the ah exportations A flicker of a smile crossed Ashiant’s face. `By all means, inform her of the strategy, Prime. And also inform Earth Prime. Some of those anxious boots back in Alliance territory can take the byte and use it themselves to good advantage.’ `I’ll ask about communications, too, sir.

Ashiant flicked his hand to speed Thian on his message round.

Stay, Rojer, Clancy, and keep our end up!

Thian made contact with Flavia on the Columbia.

Didn’t Rojer give you the course headings? We’ll let you know the moment they alter, Flavia began, somewhat startled to have two contacts in such a brief time.

No, we got that and the ones you’re chasing are on the same heading Number Three is. However, I’ve got good news.

Can you get Captain Soligen in with you so you can voice to her what I’m about to say? She can think up her questions as we go along.

She happens to be in here right now, Thian, so go ahead.

Flavia, you know how a Genessee ploy works? Well, we’ve got a variant to try on the spheres fore and aft of you. Are the ones you’re pursuing very far ahead?

No, and Vesta’s closing the gap daily. I once thought Klml was rngger-happy, but sight of two strong ion trails have altered not only Hptml until its poll eye’s gonefuchsia, but Captains Steverice and Hsiang are nearly as bloodthirsty. They want those spheres worse than Klml wanted the one it got. And I’ll bet that’s one bad-tempered `Dini in Cia thinking of what gambit?

When Thian had explained, he could hear her startled exclamation and possibly an echo from Captain Soligen. And the relief that flooded her mind. She’d been trying to sound so cool and composed. Now he realized that she’d been as scared as he had been until he figured out the advantage Talent was giving both elements of the Fleet. Indeed, the entire Alliance.

what did you just say to Flavia, Thian? Zara demanded.

She’s sounding like she’s in pain but she’s grinning as if you proposed or something.

I didn’t propose marriage, little sister, but listen.

By the time he had explained the stratagem, her mind was focusing tight on his words.

Thian, that’s marvellous news, Flavia said. You can’t hear how everyone is cheering.

Now, let’s not celebrate prematurely. I don’t want anyone presuming we’ve got the upper hand what else would you call it, Thian?

Flavia demanded.

We’ve skills they don’t have and never will have, given their mind set.

There’s still the scouts to contend with, and who knows how many other sphere ships will come on course. And the Hivers do communicate together on some level what good would that do us, Thian? Flavia replied.

None of us know what medium they use for communication.

The queen made sounds, Zara said, an odd note in her mental tone.

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