Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

With no brass ring. And I concur with your analysis, Flavia, Thian replied. I’m up with such a catechism. We have finished `our assigned functions’. Therefore we can leave.

Rome, will our stalk irig out in indignation put you in jeopardy?

Don’t know how you `ve stood it as long as you have. As I was busy overseeing a decontam drill and nowhere near the site of your crime, they can’t even pin dereliction of duty on me. `Sides, del Falco’s not after me. I’m crew. He’s after you because you’re not.

Flavia, do you wish to make the statement aloud or should I?

You’d better do it, Thian, Flavia replied. I might lose my temper.

Thian and Roger exchanged surprised looks.

`Mr Lyon!’ del Falco said, obviously having had to repeat the call to attention for he was scowling with annoyance. Both Mr Lyonses regarded him.

He asked you why did you choose that precise moment to try out your theory, Rome supplied.

Thian rose, the signal for both Flavia and Rojer to follow his example.

`We chose that moment because the queens’ chambers were empty and we would not be jeopardizing anyone’s safety in case we hit the wrong buttons,’ Thian said. `Now you can turn the panels on and off at your discretion. The ship is thoroughly and safely explored, independently lit and supplied with oxygen so our assignment has been completed.

Earth Prime has just informed me that we must return immediately to the Blundell Cube. It has been our pleasure to assist in this project for the navy on Mars Phobos Moon Base, Admiral, Commander Baldwin, Commander Kloo, Glmtmi, and sirs.’ Thian bowed to the panel of human and Mrdinis that had been interrogating them for the past three hours, then he strode from the room.

The courtesies that Rojer and Flavia gave their inquisitors were as polite but briefer and then they were in the corridor.

lit’s blow this joint, Thian said.

They all heard the commotion inside and `ported to their quarters where they collected their possessions in deft sweeps of closets and drawers.

where away? Rojer asked Thian.

Blundell, of course, Thian replied as if there could be no doubt.

There’s a large enough carrier on the transport deck.

They met there moments later, Flavia looking attractively flushed by their dramatic and precipitous exit.

And we won’t even have to use the Base generators, Thian said, chuckling, last to enter the carrier. He pulled the lid firmly shut.


At Rojer’s mirthful shout and Flavia’s giggle of acknowledgement, their minds merged and they propelled themselves off the Moon Base and down to the headquarters of Federated Telepaths and Teleporters on Earth.

You’re a cheeky lot, said Jeff Raven, but he, too, was chuckling.

Report to my office so you can repudiate the blast I’m getting from Admiral del Falco.

The man is not only ungrateful, Flavia said firmly, but unmannerly. He never so much as thanked us for solving his problem for him.

`Port right up to my office, kids, I’ve cleared the way for you, Jeff said as the lid of the corner was opened by the head expediter of Blundell facility.

`Boss wants you pronto,’ but he was grinning broadly.

Is the word out all over the world yet? Rojer asked Thian on a very thin line.

No, nor will it be, Jeff answered, having no trouble at all insinuating himself into his grandsons’ link. Hurry up. The Admiral’s just getting to the part about gross insubordination, exceeding orders, and I suspect mutiny will figure in there soon.

`Sorry,’ Thian said to the expediter and `ported himself as ordered, Rojer and Flavia a nanosecond behind him.

Knowing Jeff Raven’s office well, all three made sure to arrive at a point out of range of the occupant on the screen. Admiral del Falco, Commander Baldwin visible on his right, was waxing eloquent about the `antics’ of these `unruly, undisciplined and unprincipled Talents `I thought you kept more control on your people, Raven. You told us they were well trained, skilled and capable of the assignment. They walked out of a half finished debriefing with many questions unanswered. I don’t mind telling you that I, Commander Baldwin here, and ` He turned to his left and his scowl deepened before he gave a snort of displeasure and faced directly into the comunit again. `We will not recommend that those three receive assignments from any navy unit again.’ `Oh, really?’ Jeff said. `How odd. Because I’ve had twenty urgent requests – – and he lifted a pile of message flimsies from his desk to plain view of the Admiral’ from naval exploration groups, Squadrons C and D, now refitting at Clarf and from Captains Osullivan, Ashiant, Cheseman, Quacho, Plr, a priority urgent one from Captain Spktm of the KLTS, and another top-security assignment which I don’t believe you are cleared to know.

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