Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

Instead del Falco gave him such a piercing stare – he had the sort of large black eye that appears to see through to the soul – that Rojer was very glad of his brother’s warning.

`Privilege to be aboard, Admiral del Falco.’ `I thought you were younger than your brother.’ `We’re not far apart age-wise, sir,’ Rojer replied.

Pea response, Roj. He hasn’t had time to read your transcript because we had to wait to see if you passed the exams before we could snatch you here. The team that’s going on board the Refugee requires staff qualifications. You got more than some, less than most. He won’t take long to assess you. He’s got an info-plant. And he’s accessing your file right now. His eyes flicker when he’s listening to it.

Updates on demand. Don’t know why he isn’t schizo. Oh, and our birth years are not given. Granddad’s had dealings with this bird.

Just as well you don’t look seventeen. That last was said in a rueful tone, acknowledging Rojer’s bereavement and its tragic circumstances, and accompanied by an affectionate mental hug. Steady on. He’s coming up with `the look’!

The Admiral was and, in spite of Thian’s warning, Rojer very nearly rocked back on his heels at the intensity of that black and penetrating gaze. So he smiled as equably as he could until del Falco broke the eye contact, having evidently heard sufficient from his info-plant to place Rojer in the pertinent category.

`Dini coming up behind you, Roj! his brother said, his tone coloured with apprehension.

So Rojer had just enough warning to be prepared when a `Dini voice spoke.

RJR LN, YOU WILL NOT MIND TO WORK WITH GREYS?’ One of the good guys, Thian added, smiling at the newcomer.

So Rojer kept the smile on his face as he turned and almost committed a solecism as he began to drop his eyes to the usual `Dini height. But the `Dini who had spoken was nearly as tall as Rojer. And not at all like the grey Prtglm.

GREY HAS ALWAYS BEEN AN EXCELLENT COLOUR, rojer said, using the body language that expressed honour at being in its company while inclining from the waist with the bow deserved by a `Dini of such size.

The memory of Prtglm, or its colour, no longer had the power to distress him. `WHAT NAME, PLEASE, IS ONE TO USE IN ADDRESS?’ `THIS ONE IS KNOWN AS GLMTML.’ `I’m glad that you two Primes have the chance to meet Glmtml,’ the admiral said, observing the exchange.

`It leads the Mrdini team that’s going to reveal Refugee’s secrets for us.’ A smile that was not a smile but nearly a threat spread his lips just slightly. `Prime Lyon has just arrived, Glmtmi, so he hasn’t been briefed `Not that Rojer needs it,’ Thian said in a bland tone and a shrug of his shoulders. `Straight transfers of carriers to the Refugee airlock, and then we act as guiding lights.

And we rescue when required. You know how many tubes a Hiver ship has!’ Rojer nodded solemnly while the Admiral, unaccustomed to being interrupted, hesitated for one beat before smoothly continuing. `.

then there is no further need for delay, is there?’ He turned to Glmtrnl.

`Your team is now assembled for transfer?’ `All are,’ Glmtml said, deferentially switching to Basic since the Admiral apparently was not fluent in `Dini.

`Then let us proceed with Operation Illuminate,’ and the admiral turned his basilisk stare on the two Talents.

He snapped his fingers behind his back and one of the waiting ensigns leapt forward.

The very gesture raised Rojer’s hackles. Maybe an admiral had prerogatives a space captain didn’t, but the implied absolute obedience to such a discourteous summons rankled.

Why do you think I enjoy baiting him so much, Roj?

Thian said.

`Escort the Primes to their ready room, Ensign.’ `No need for such ceremony, Admiral,’ Thian replied. `I know where we’re stationed,’ and he shot Rojer a mental picture of where they were going – a small room with three Tower couches. The room already had one occupant.

More surprises, Thian?

Thian grinned. This evaluation operation is going to take all three of us and wish we were more. lit’s go. I love `porting away from him. He hates it and there’s not a thing he can do about it since `porting expedites troop movement. `My compliments and best wishes, Glmtml.’ Rojer had only time for a similar courtesy before his brother `ported away. He followed.

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