Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

special designation for her T-7 expediter), could be counted on to divert `Dinis from approaching Clanssia.

It was as well, Laria thought with a sigh, that native `Dinis did not read human countenances as well as the Tower `Dini contingent did.

Nor did any of them really notice that Clarissia conveyed no body language at all – standing stiff and straight as if lacquered in position.

That was a mercy since she would have made the true depth of her revulsion all too easily readable in movements.

Once Plrgtgl announced its mission, Laria had no further time to fret over Clarissia’s possible misdemeanour. Plrgtgl had a huge job for the Tower, requiring it to organize and expedite the timetable for a considerable amount of cargo to be shifted: to the other `Dini planets and to the satellite space docks. Without it being stated, Laria and her staff realized that a goodly portion of the `Dini space fleet was being refitted and resupplied in the shortest possible time.

Such activity provided her with the perfect reason to remove Prtglm’s corner.

WITH SO MUCH TO BE SHIPPED TO DIFFERENT PLACES, ALL CRADLES WILL BE NECESSARY, she said as she riffled through the documentation. `THE CARRIER WHICH HAS RESTED ON THE FIELD COULD PERHAPS NOW BE MOVED TO A SOUTHERN LOCATION TO DISPLAY ITS MESSAGES THERE TO GOOD EFFECT.’ She pretended total disinterest in Plrgtgl’s reaction to the request and quickly moved to another topic, adding body language to augment the praise of her words. `SO MUCH OF THIS YEAR’S HARVEST TO GO OFF-WORLD, TOO. A CREDIT TO THE COLOURS.

Plrgtgl rolled its. poll eye, attractively covered by a crown of lace which had recently become a `Dini fad.

Laria was well accustomed to such scrutiny and continued to scan the cargo way-bills to the red ones that indicated live `portations.

IT WILL BE GOOD TO SEE THE KTLS,’ she added as nonchalantly as she could since she was over joyed to see the ship listed as an arrival.

Laria kept very good track of what went to the KTLS since her brother Thian had spent so much time on board. And saved so many `Dinis from the ultimate sacrifice of their kind.

Thian was now T&T on board the Genessee and they exchanged news whenever she had a shipment for the squadron.

YES. THE KTLS HAS HONOURED ALL MRDINIS AND EVERY COLOUR THAT SERVES ON IT,’ Plrgtgl said, shifting its lower limbs, body language she had come to read as `pleased’. `THN LN HAS SERVED THE KTLS TO THE HONOUR OF YOUR HOUSE.

As she bowed in acknowledgement of such praise, Laria kept her expression neutral despite an intense desire to grin. Plrgtgl had used another human idiom.

High-ranking `Dinis, like Plrgtgl, were gradually sprinkling their conversations with more and more Basic terms. If only that usage could also alter some of the `Dini minds and methods.

First things first, she said to herself Hey, said Vanteer, his expression bland though his voice was triumphant, another score for Basic!

Keeping count, are we, Van? asked Lionasha whose eyes twinkled.

And thank whatever gods there be that you’re getting rid of that monstrosity. if you’re downwind, the stench is appalling.

Vanteer added a flash of himself holding his nose and gagging.

Even my `Dinis are complaining.

Laria dared not react or even shoot him a warning glance. All her attention must be on Plrgtgl. She signalled for Lionasha to take the documentation and begin organizing a timetable for the `portations.


AS THERE SHOULD BE FOR A SHIP THAT HAS DONE SO MUCH,’ Laria replied formally and made the necessary body gestures that signified pleasure, honour, delight and acceptance. She could carry on high-level communications now with just body language, though more and more `Dinis had become fluent in Basic and prided themselves on using it in the presence of humans.

She flicked her eyes to where Tip and Huf were standing respecffully to one side of the great Plrgtgl and caught their approval of her expertise.

IS THERE TIME TO REFRESH WITH COOL DRINK?’ Laria asked, gesturing towards the table and its array.

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