Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

Clarissia had – unobtrusively at least – backed herself against the wall. Tip, Huf, and the other `Dinis – all too well aware of her dislike – took over the hospitality duties, bringing forward `Dini seating while Vanteer and Lionasha served the fruity juices which Laria imported from Terra, knowing how much `Dinis liked them.

I’m not telling you your business as Tower Prime, Vanteer said on a tight private level, but we’re going to have more `Dinis in and out of here and she’s becoming more and more of a liability.

We’ll back your decision in that, Lionasha added.

Your Prime’s already initiated the appropriate steps for her transfer, gang, Laria replied, focusing her thought to the two, though Clarissia was so tight in her xenophobia she wouldn’t have been aware of a telepathic shout in her vicinity.

Hallelujah! was Vanteer’s response in an archaic term that surprised both women.

Despite Clarissia, the official visit went off very well and Plrtgl was so excited in its own fashion with such imminent traffic Plrtgl was rather possessive of the Tower as its special project – that her reserve went unnoticed.

`We’ll be busy, kids,’ Lionasha said, having had a chance to estimate how much Tower time and energy would be required for the material and animate objects scheduled to be `ported and received. She grinned around the room but her grin faded at Clarissia. The thin girl stepped forward then, swallowing convulsively.

`I do not wish to abandon Clarf Tower at a time of maximum activity, Prime, but I request as immediate a transfer as possible.’ She swallowed again and the others noticed that her pale complexion had turned yellowish.

`Oh, you won’t leave us short, Clarissia,’ Laria said airily.

`Prime Raven has already promised us additional assistance. As soon as you like, I can `port you back to Blundell.’ Both Lionasha and Vanteer were too self-possessed to show any surprise at Laria’s abruptness and were kind enough to make appropriate sounds of dismay.

`No, really, I must go, Clarissia said, her fingers twitching at her sides, and without another word actually `ported herself out of the room.

`Well!’ said Lionasha and turned to Laria, hoping for an explanation. Vanteer’s grin got broader and he winked at the Tower Prime.

`As I said, I’ve been working on the problem,’ she said casually.

`I just got the official permission today.

We may have to work harder Not really you’ll meet me half way and bring me in, said a male voice that Laria did not recognize.

She glanced from Vanteer to Lionasha to see if the `path had been audible to them. Apparently not, so she continued her sentence.

`But not for long it seems. So where are you so easily retrievable?

Not precisely `easily’. I’m currently with C Squadron, and his spatial coordinates tagged on to the `path. Ting on the A.S.

Strongbow as courier and pack mule.

Laria could almost see a wry grin on the speaker’s face. She also caught the sense of terrible fatigue and ennui that his flippancy was trying to conceal. Pack mule? Well, that was better than `stevedore’.

when can we expect you?

I have my orders, I’m packed, and I’ll get into the capsule as soon as you tell me to.

You really aren’t wasting any time, are you?

Frankly, clarff Prime, I’ll be very glad to leave this ship.

I’ve I’ve been gone a long, long time.

There was that in his tone of voice that touched an echo of deep empathy in Laria.

`Tower generators up, please,’ she said, taking the stairs to her eerie two at a time. what is the squadron going to do about resupply, she asked, ri you’re here?

I’ve been reliably informed that my replacement will follow swiftly.

And you are? Laria asked, suddenly realizing that although she would now recognize his mental touch anywhere in the galaxy, she didn’t know his name.

Oh, and she heard him chuckle, I have been on board too long. I’m T-2 Kincaid dano, Altairian bred.

You `11 be very welcome, Kincaid.

Thanks. And a laugh again echoed in her head. My `Dinis are ecstatic at the posting, never having touched down on their homeland.

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