M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

By now, however, I am gettin’ a head of steam up and am in no mood to quibble over details.

“Maybe you should have thought of that before you sent Bee for the cops,” I sez, backin’ up to get a runnin’ start. “But since you did, we are kinda committed to be there when the waltz starts . . , know what I mean?”

“Well, just remember that the key to this working is to try to promote confusion whenever possible.”

“That shouldn’t be hard,” I snarl, and launch myself at the door.

I have specifically mentioned our objective of “confusion” so that youse folks readin’ this will not think your brains have suddenly gone Fruit Loops while tryin’ to sort out this next series of events … that is, it’s supposed to be ‘confusion’!

Anyway, the door goes down, as doors are inclined to do when I hit them goin’ full tilt, and the two of us pile into the room … which I am not too busy to notice is considerably nicer than the room Frumple gave me yesterday.

To our startlement, there is no altercation occurrin’ in the room … at least, not until we arrive. Tananda and Junebug are in a huddle on the sofa, but any noise she is makin’ is not screams of outrage. Still, as we have made our entrance, my cousin and me have little choice but to continue with the script as originally planned.

Nunzio latches on to Junebug, liftin’ him clear of the sofa whilst I turns my attentions to Tananda. “Are you okay, lady??” I sez in my loudest voice, which projects pretty well thanks to my old drama coach. “Just take it easy!!”

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