M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Is that so!” the MP scowls, glarin’ around at the bar. “These soldiers risk their lives to keep things safe for you, and this is the thanks they get?”

What a great guy, I think. What a great, gullible, thick-headed guy. He could probably get this fight started all by himself … if we let him.

“I resent that remark!” our cop snarls, finally startin’ to lose it. “We risk our lives too, you know!”

“Oh excuse me! I forgot!” the MP smiles nastylike. “You’re in constant danger of choking to death on a doughnut!”

“Doughnut, is it?” the cop sez, lookin’ around slow at the other cops … maybe to count heads and check the odds before decidin’ what to do or say next.

I turned my head to sneak a wink at Nunzio, just in time to see Tananda make her entrance from the stairs.

“THERE THEY ARE!!!” she shrieks, “Those are the soldiers that attacked me!!”

It would seem that she has been busy with her disguise gizmo, because the bruise I have earlier commented on is now clearly in evidence … although to an experienced eye such as my own, it is obvious that it is not a recent injury. Of course, bein’ Tananda and havin’ a flair for the dramatic, she has not stopped there. While the dress she is wearin’ is the same color as the one she had on earlier, its hemline and fit are a lot more modest than the hot outfit she used to get Junebug’s attention … and more. On top of that, her wild, sexy hairdo now looks more like some librarian’s maidenly bun what has been pawed to pieces. The real beauty of all this, however, is that she is standin’ where the cops can see her, but the MPs can’t! Of course, the crowd can see her, too.

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