M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“That’s no floozie!” the guy what mouthed off earlier sez.

“Hey! I think she works with me!” someone else chimes in.

“See what happens when they let soldiers in here?”

The crowd is startin’ to get ugly, but to give the cop credit, he tries to calm things down.

“Just relax, everybody!” he hollers. “We’re handling this!”

Then he turns back to the MP, his face all grimlike.

“We’ve got to get to the bottom of this, sergeant,” he sez. “I want you to hold those three men …”

As he’s sayin’ this, he raises his hand to point in our direction.

Now there is a gag that Nunzio and I have pulled so often that we don’t even have to look at each other now to know what to do. We are still holdin’ Junebug up by his arms, and the cop is close enough that when he tries to point at us, it’s an easy matter for us to move Junebug sideways in front of his hand … then let go!

Unless you are watchin’ real close at the right moment, this looks exactly like the cop took a poke at Junebug and decked him!

Realizin’ the already tense nature of the situational, this is a little like beatin’ on a blastin’ cap with a hammer.

The MP starts to reach for the cop, but I get there first … mostly ’cause I know what is comin’ and have a head start.

“Let me!” I sez, then I do somethin’ I’ve been waitin’ to do all my life.

I lay my best punch on a cop … in front of witnesses!

Chapter Thirteen:

“Weren’t you expecting me?”


ME AND NUNZIO have a bit of a wait before the company commander shows up at his office. This is fine by me, as it gives me a chance to stop my nose from bleedin’ quite so much, and we even talk the MPs guardin’ us into gettin’ some disinfectant to put on our knuckles.

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