M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“No sir,” I sez, ’cause I hadn’t been.

This simple statement did, however, settle two things in my mind. First, there is the matter of his rather flashy outfit … which while it is indeed quite spiffy, is decidedly non-regulation. Second, it removed any doubts I might be havin’ as to the level of benevolence the captain is feelin’ toward us … noncommittal stare or not.

“According to this,” he sez, lookin’ at the report again, “you two were involved in, if not the actual instigators of a barroom brawl, not only with civilians, but with the local police as well. Is there anything you’d like to add to that?”

“One of those civilians tried to roll one of our squad,” I sez.

I figure that now we have accomplished our mission, it is time to start lookin’ out for ourselves.

“Then, when we try to get him out, the others try to say he has assaulted her. As far as the cops … I mean, the local police go, well, they was tryin’ to arrest us all, even though our own military police were right there on the scene of the alleged crime, and we was taught in basic trainin’ …”

“Yes, yes, I know,” he waves. “Soldiers are to be tried in military, not civilian court, so you two took on a whole room full of civilians over a point in the Military Code. Is that it?”

“Yes sir. That and to try to help one of our squad.”

“Very well,” he sez, and looks over at the guards. “You men can go now. I’ll handle this from here.”

We wait quiet-like until the MPs file out of the room, then a little longer as the captain is studyin’ our files again.

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