M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“You two have only been assigned to me for about a week … and only enlisted a few weeks before that. Is that correct?”

“Yes sir.”

“So you’re fresh out of Basic and already a sergeant … and corporal. And now this.”

He goes back to starin’ at our files, but I am startin’ to feel a little less anxious. While there is no question of us beatin’ the rap, as we have confessed, it’s startin’ to sound like we might get off with nothin’ more than losin’ our stripes … a possibility which does not distress me overly much. Not bad for not havin’ a mouthpiece to do our plea bargainin’.

“The civilian authorities are recommending you be disciplined severely … that you be made an example of to discourage other soldiers from following your example.”

I start feelin’ anxious again. This does not sound so encouragin’, and after a career unblemished by a single conviction, I am not eager to spend time in an army stockade. I wonder if it is too late to withdraw our confession … and whether the MPs are still outside.

“Very well,” the captain sez finally, lookin’ up from our files. “Consider yourselves disciplined.”

We wait for him to say more, then realize that’s all there is.


The captain gives a tight little smile at our reactions.

“Do you men know what an army that’s growing as fast as ours needs the most?”

I experience a sinkin’ feelin’ in my stomach, as I have heard this speech before. Nunzio, however, was not present the last time it was run past me.

“A better tailor,” he sez.

The captain blinks in surprise, then erupts in a quick bark of laughter.

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