M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

I don’t think anyone would have trouble rememberin’ Snake … except for maybe, witnesses … as he is what you would call highly memorable. He is tall and real thin, and has a habit of dressin’ all in black like he is now, which is why he was able to ease up on us in the shadows.

“You guys know each other?” Spyder sez, hesitant-like lookin’ back and forth between us.

“Oh, we’re old friends,” Snake sez in that smooth, purrin’ voice of his.

“Actually, it’s more like ‘associates,'” Nunzio corrects, easin’ even further apart from me.

While both Nunzio and me know Snake, we have never pretended to like him. He is one of the top enforcers for the Mob, but tends to like his work a little too much for our tastes. You have perhaps noticed that when the occasion calls for it, neither Nunzio nor me are adverse to the judicious application of violence, but as it goes against our delicate natures we have trained ourselves to terminate such encounters in the briefest possible time. Snake, on the other hand, likes to prolong and drag out his work as much as possible … and he works with a knife. He can be as fast as his moniker when the situation calls for it, however, and though Nunzio and me had been confident about roustin’ a room full of normal people earlier this evening, there is a serious question in my mind as to whether both of us workin’ together can take Snake if things get ugly.

“Why don’t you head on back to the barracks, Spyder,” I sez, not takin’ my eyes off Snake. “Our colleague here probably has some things he wants to discuss with us … privately.”

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