M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Ummm … We’re pretty happy with things the way they are, Don Bruce.” I sez, quick-like.

“Yeah,” Nunzio chimes in. “We figure the way things are going, the Boss is gonna need all the help we can give him.”

“Hmmm … I suppose you’re right,” the Don sez, makin’ us both a little uncomfortable with how unwillin’ he seems to give up the idea of advancin’ us in the ranks. “Tell you what, though, like Skeeve says, I can’t take an open hand in this thing you got going, but if you want I can assign a few boys to give you a hand!”

A picture flits across my mind. A picture of me tryin’ to sleep, much less operate, with Snake loiterin’ about in the near vicinity.

“I … don’t think so,” I sez. “we’re pretty used to workin’ with the crew we got already. Besides, any of the boys you assigned to us would have to enlist … and there’s no guarantee where they’d get assigned.”

“… And most of them would quit before they’d be seen in public in those outfits you’re wearing,” Don Bruce laughs, winkin’ at Tananda. “Yeah. You got a point.”

Me and Nunzio force smiles, which is as close as we can manage to joining in the merriment.

“Well, be sure to let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

“Sure, Don Bruce.”

“Thanks, Don Bruce.”

“Oh yeah! One more thing. How’s Bunny doing?”

“Bunny?” Tananda sez, comin’ off the bar like a prizefighter. “That little …”

“Sure! You remember Bunny,” I interrupts quicklike. “Don Bruce’s niece who’s workin’ with us?”

“Oh! Right!” Tananda blinks, and settles back again. “She’s working out real well, Don Bruce,” Nunzio supplies hurriedly. “In fact, right now she’s holding down our office while we’re out in the field.”

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