M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Yeah, right,” Don Bruce waves. “But how is she getting along with Skeeve?”

Even though we can maybe snow him from time to time, the Don is pretty quick, and he catches our hesitation and glances at Tananda.

“Say … you aren’t interested in Skeeve yourself, are you. Miss Tananda?”

Tananda thinks for a second, then wrinkles her nose.

“Not really,” she sez. “I guess he’s kind of like a kid brother to me.”

“I see,” Don Bruce nods. “Well, as a favor to me, could you take Bunny under your wing, too? She likes to talk tough and comes on like she’s real experienced and worldly, but inside she’s still just a kid. Know what I mean?”

In response, Tananda just nods slow-like. To my eye, she seems less than thrilled with the idea … especially after hearin’ how serious Don Bruce takes promises.

“You know how the Boss is when it comes to dames,” I sez, quick-like. “Slower’n a bail bondsman what’s been stung three times runnin’.”

I am tryin’ to draw attention away from Tananda, but the Don is ignorin’ me and starin’ at her instead.

“Say … are you okay?” he sez, misreadin’ her signals. “It looks like you’ve been takin’ more than your share of lumps in this operation.”

“I’m just a little tired,” she sez, flashin’ a quick smile. “You’re right, though. I’m not getting any younger, and I’m not sure how many more nights like this I can take.”

“Why don’t you head on back to Big Julie’s and hook up with Chumley?” I sez. “We’re gettin’ transferred out of here, and there’s not much you’ll be able to do on your own realizin’ the shape you’re in.”

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