M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Without proper paperwork,” he had said, “the army will bog down and cease to be effective …” and, as you know, the effectiveness of the army was a matter of no small concern to me and Nunzio.

Chapter Sixteen:

“So what’s wrong with following established procedures?”


THE WAREHOUSE WHICH was Supply Depot Number Thirteen was truly immense, which is to say it was big. In fact, it was so huge that youse got the feelin’ that if the weather turned bad, they could move all the stuff out of here and have the war indoors. The only trouble with that idea was that by the time they got everythin’ moved out, odds are they would have forgotten what it was they was fightin’ about in the first place … but even if they could remember, they’d probably be too tired to want to fight about it.

There was racks of stuff everywhere, with aisles big enough to drive a wagon down scattered around so as to carve everythin’ into a series of islands, and lots of tunnels and crawlspaces twistin’ their way into each of the islands. It occurred to me upon first viewin’ this expanse that it was gonna be a perfect base of operation for us, as when and if anythin’ went wrong, it would make one whale of a hideout. This thought was amplified when we discovered that the crew what had worked here before us had apparently opted to live on-site, as there were a lot of “nests” and hole-ups around the warehouse furnished with cots and hammocks and pillows and other stuff obliviously filched from the piles of supplies.

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