M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“I … If you say so, Guido,” Bee sez, hesitantly, glancin’ at the instruction manual. “But shouldn’t we be following the established procedures?”

“Just go ahead and work up your plan,” I sez. “We’ll worry about fillin’ out the army paperwork after we get this place functionin’ the way we think it should.”

“Okay,” Bee shrugs. “Come here a second, guys, and I’ll show you what I need. If you can start mapping out what’s already here, I can start roughing out an In/Out Log, and …”

“Excuse me, Sergeant Guido,” Nunzio sez. “Can I have a word with you … in private?”

“Why certainly, Sergeant Nunzio,” I smile, givin’ it right back to him, and follow him as he moves a little ways away from where the crew is huddlin’.

“What are you trying to do?” he hisses, as soon as we are alone. “Maybe I missed a loop, but I was under the impression that improving efficiency was the last thing we wanted to do here!”

“It is,” I sez, “except everyone on the crew is thinkin’ just the opposite. I’m just stallin’ for a little time by insistin’ that Bee come up with a complete plan before we actually have to implement any changes.”

“Okay,” Nunzio nods, “but what happens after he finishes comin’ up with a new setup?”

“Then we either stall some more … or see if things will actually get fouled up more if we go ahead and try to go against army procedures. The officer what was briefin’ me seemed pretty certain that the whole army will grind to a halt if all that paperwork Bee is talkin’ about doesn’t get filled out. At the very least we should have a chance to find out whether or not he is right.”

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