M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Well,” Nunzio sez finally. “I suppose we should give it a shot … at least then we can say we tried everything before we gave up.”

I hesitate a second longer, then nod my agreement.

“All right, cuz,” I sez, “you’re on. Big Julie, if you can find that gear we stored here before we enlisted, Nunzio and me can …”

“Whoa … stop … HOLD IT!!” Massha sez, holdin’ up a hand. “Who said you two were going to be the ones to go after the queen?”

“Well … it’s oblivious, ain’t it?” I sez, a little annoyed that my attempt to grab the assignment has been thwarted, but willin’ to try to bluff my way through. “I mean, this is right up our alley … seein’s as how it is what we are trained to do.”

“… And from what you’ve said about your disagreements with your drill instructor, that training is geared more toward enforcing than killing.”

“Don’t you worry about that,” Nunzio sez, givin’ her a tight little smile. “We’re just against unnecessary killing. In this case, it seems that it’s necessary.”

“Well, when I suggested it, I figured that I was going to be the one to go after her,” Massha sez, with no trace of her normal “happy-fat-lady-vamp” act.

“You?” I sez. “Excuse me for pointin’ it out, Massha, but though you’re more than a little intimidatin’ physically, I don’t think that physical acts are your forte.”

“Who said anything about getting physical?” she sez, holdin’ up her ring-laden hands. “You think I wear all this stuff for decoration … or ballast? I’ve got a few toys here that should take care of things just fine.”

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