M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

He looks around the gatherin’.

“Of course, I don’t have to tell you this because you all know it already. That’s why each of you is so eager to take the job … to let the others off the hook by nobly sacrificing yourself. Well, my advice, as your tactical advisor, is to forget the whole thing and go home … since I don’t believe Skeeve ever intended for things to go this far … or, if you’re determined to have the queen killed, then to let me do it. Like I said before, I’m an old man who’s doing nothing but idling away my retirement with petty self-indulgences. All of you are contributing more to life, and are therefore more valuable, than I am. Besides,” he lets a little grin play across his face, “it might be kinda fun to see a little action just one more time. I never really figured on dying in bed.”

“That’s sweet of you, Big Julie,” Tananda sez, “but it’s totally out of the question. Even though you’ve worked with us as an advisor, you’re not really part of the team … and I’m sure this is one job Skeeve wouldn’t want us to subcontract.”

“I think we’re agreed at least on that,” Massha sez, glancin’ around our assemblage. “If it’s going to be done, it’s going to be done by one of us.”

“Then you still figure to try for Hemlock?” the ex-general frowns.

“I think,” Chumley announces, standin’ up and stretchin’, “I think that we’re all too tired and have been drinking far too much to make a rational decision. I suggest we all retire for now and pick up this discussion in the morning when our heads are clearer.”

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