M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

Anyhow, it is just after dawn as we sneak out of the villa, openin’ the door an inch at a time in case it squeaks, then easin’ onto the patio as soon as it’s open far enough for us to slip through. At this point seein’ as how it seems we have effected our exit without arousin’ the others on the team, I pause to give Nunzio a wink and a thumbs up sign.

“Morning, boys!” comes a familiar voice from the far side of the patio. “Care for a bit of breakfast?”

Big Julie is sprawled on a recliner, soakin’ up the morning sun as he picks at the food laid out on the table next to him.

“Shhh! Could you keep it down?” Nunzio hisses, puttin’ a finger to his lips as he hurries over to our host.

“What for?” Big Julie sez, still speakin’ in that loud, projectin’ voice of his.

“Well … ummm …” I sez, shootin’ a glance at Nunzio who just shrugs. “To tell you the truth, Big Julie, we are takin’ it on ourselves to bring yesterday’s argument to a close by goin’ after the queen before there is any further discussion. This effort will, of course, go to waste if the others hear you and emerge before we have made our departure.”

“Oh … it’s too late to worry about that,” he sez, casual-like.

“Excuse me?”

“They’ve already gone … one at a time, of course.”

“They did? When?”

“Well, let’s see … Tananda was the first . , . she left last night … then Chumley took off when he woke up and realized she was gone. Massha … well, she lit out about an hour ago when she found out the others had gone … you know, that woman moves pretty fast considering the weight she’s carrying.”

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