M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

Seein’ as how Nunzio is usually very proud of his work … particularly on those occasions when he has just worked on me … I figure he is tellin’ the truth and open my grip the rest of the way.

“Well if you didn’t do it,” I frowns, still blinkin’ a little, “then who …”

“Meet Pookie,” he sez, pointin’ over my shoulder with his left thumb, as his right hand is busy rubbin’ his throat. “She’s the Boss’s new bodyguard.”

“New bodyguard?” I sez, takin’ a look behind me and …

The world stops … as does my heart and lungs.

Now, when I say this chick is stunnin’, it has nothin’ to do with the fact that she just knocked me cold. She has the smooth, strong lines of a panther … except for a few pleasant roundin’s one does not normally find on a cat of any size. She also has green scales and yellow eyes which are regardin’ me levelly.

“Sorry about the mix-up,” she sez, not soundin’ at all sorry, “but you came in so fast that Skeeve didn’t have a chance to tell me you were on our side. Anyway, pleased to meet you … I guess. Here’s your knife back.”

I look at the throwin’ knife she is holdin’ out and realize it is indeed one of mine. I musta still been holdin’ it in my hand when I went to greet the Boss, which is an embarrassin’ oversight. One of the troubles with havin’ big hands is that sometimes one forgets one is holdin’ things.

“New bodyguard, huh?” I sez, not bein’ able to think of anythin’ wittier to say as I accepts the knife and stashes it.

“We met on Perv,” she sez, a little frosty. “Skeeve needed a bodyguard … and it seems he didn’t have one with him.”

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