M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Well … I shouldn’t be here. I enlisted as a magician, and my recruiter said that …”

The sergeant’s smile widens sufficiently to stop the recruit in mid-sentence.

“Son,” he sez, in a voice that’s more like a purr, “it’s time you learned one of the harsh truths about the army. Recruiters lie! Whatever that sorry soul told you, son, unless you got it in writing signed by the queen herself, it don’t mean squat! Now I’m telling you that every ’emit that signs onto this man’s army will learn’ basic infantry skills before receivin’ his first assignment before active duty. You might get assigned as a magician, or you might not … it all depends on whether they need magicians or cooks when your number comes up for assignment, but you aren’t gonna get assigned anywhere until I say your basic training is complete. Next question!”

“Nunzio, Sergeant! How long does it take to complete basic training?”

“That depends on how long it takes you unfortunates to learn the minimal skills required for you to wear the uniform of Possiltum. Usually it takes a week to ten days … but from the looks of you sorry souls, I figure you’ll have the pleasure of my company for at least a month.”

“You mean none of us gets assigned until everyone in this group completes their training?”

“That’s right. Any other questions?”

My cousin glances down the lines at me, but I keep my eyes straight forward, hopin’ his action isn’t noticed. Luckily the sergeant misses this little blip in the formation, and as soon as he dismisses us Nunzio and I go into a huddle.

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