M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

This does not come as a particularly startlin’ revelation to me, as I have long suspected that Spyder did not enlist for the cultural-type benefits that the army offers. I am, however, more than a little taken with the distance she gets with her spittin’. It occurs to me that I haven’t tried spittin’ that way since Don Bruce promoted us and hinted strongly that we should class up our act a little, and, realizin’ this, decide not to try to match her performance, as distance spittin’ such as hers requires constant practice if one is to remain in form. For the educatin’ of those of youse what has been raised too proper and upright to have ever experimented with this particular form of selfexpression, let me caution youse against tryin’ this for the first time in front of a critical audience. If your technique is anythin’ less than flawless, the odds are that your effort will dribble down your chin and onto your shirt rather than arcin’ away in the picturesque display you are expectin’, leavin’ the viewers with an impression of youse as a chump rather than whatever it was youse was tryin’ to pass yourself off as.

All of this passes through my mind in a flash, as I am a fairly quick thinker despite the impression given by my size, whilst I am tryin’ to think of an appropriate response to Spyder’s kvetchin’. Nunzio comes up with somethin’ before I do, however, as he is no slouch himself when it comes to thinkin’ … particularly when there is a skirt involved,

“I think you should listen real close to what they tell us about Military Law, Spyder,” he sez, “it’ll pay some solid benefits in the long run.”

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