M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“How so?”

“Well,” he smiles, settlin’ into his lecture voice again, “speaking from long personal experience, it is often much easier to continue doing exactly what you want to do right under the noses of authority if one is aware of exactly what those authorities consider to be antisocial behavior. When you stop to think about it, it’s real nice of the army to give us official advance warning of exactly what rules they plan to enforce and, by exclusion, what is fair game. If they didn’t, or we were dumb enough to sleep through this particular lecture, the only way to figure out what activities can be done openly and which should be performed in … shall we say, a less public manner, would be to act blindly, then wait to see what they came down on us for.”

“Just how long is that ‘personal experience’ fellah?” one of the Flie brothers pipes up.

“Yeah, I was just wondering the same thing,” the other chimes in. “Aren’t you two a little old to be joining the army?”

Now, it is clear to me what is goin’ on. The two farm boys have been hopin’ to put some moves on Spyder, but then Nunzio gets in the way. Rather than backin’ off like any sane person would do, they was tryin’ to score their points by pickin’ a fight with him. To say the least, I have seen better plans to continue one’s good health.

Of course, Nunzio can spot it too, and he knows that we should be avoidin’ any kind of trouble if we want to complete our training quick instead of sittin’ in the stockade for a few days. He also knows, however, that he is bein’ made to look like a fool in front of the only skirt we is likely to be associatin’ with for a while, and while he has considerable tolerance at soakin’ up abuse from a boss what is payin’ our wages and expenses, his ability to put up with bein’ hassled without blowin’ his cool drops in direct proportion to the standin’ of the hassler in the peckin’ order, and the Flie brothers don’t stand very high at all.

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