M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“That could be a problem,” I nods. “Doesn’t he have a spell or somethin’ that could help him out?”

My cousin rolls his eyes and snorts, disgustedlike.

“Are you kidding? He only knows two spells, and neither of them are gonna be of any help to him on the firing line.”

“Two spells? What are they?”

“Let’s see, he knows Dispell, which lets him see through disguise spells.”

“Thats not much help,” I admits. “What’s his other spell?”

“Datspell,” Nunzio grimaces, “which is nothing more than the disguise spell the Boss uses with a silly name.”

“So all he can do is disguise himself and see through other disguises,” I sez, turnin’ it over in my mind.

“That’s it, Nothin’ that’s gonna help him qualify today.”

“Maybe … maybe not,” I sez, thoughtfully. “Tell you what. Is there any chance you can get him alone for a few minutes?”

“No problem. When he finishes blowin’ this round, he’ll have to wait to take another turn. I can get him then. Why? You got an idea?”

“Uh-huh,” I grins. “Just convince him to use his disguise spell … what does he call it? Oh yeah, Datspell … so’s you can change places. Then you qualify for him, you switch back, and no one will be any the wiser.”

“I dunno,” Nunzio sez, rubbin’ his chin. “We might be able to fool the corporal, but the sergeant there’s a pretty sharp cookie. He might spot there’s somethin’ different about the Bee.”

“I’ll take care of distractin’ the sergeant when the time comes. Just be careful not to shoot too good … just good enough to qualify. Got it?”

Then there isn’t much to do whilst waiting for the plan to unfold. Finally the corporal gets fed up with shoutin’ at our young magician and sends him off the line for a “break” until he has rested his voice a bit.

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