M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING JUST STANDING AROUND??!!!” he bellows, turnin’ his attention from me to the crowd which has gathered around us. “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE QUALIFYING!! MOVE IT!!! NOW!!!”

This interruption gives me time to get my temper under control, and, after coolin’ down a bit, I decide it is just as well the episode has drawn to a close. It seems, however, that the sergeant has a few last words for me.

“Guido!” he sez, just loud enough for me to hear, not lookin’ me in the face. “Yeah, Sergeant?”

‘This isn’t the time or the place, but we will continue this discussion … later.”

The way he said it, it wasn’t a challenge or a threat … just a statement.

Chapter Five:

“When I travel, nobody knows me … and I like it that way!”


NUNZIO AND ME was tryin’ to figure out what it was they had put on our plates under the laughin’ title of “dinner,” when Spyder plops down next to us. We’re a little surprised at this, as we’re normally left to ourselves when dinin’, but the reason for her forwardness is not long in comin’.

“You guys are with the Mob, aren’t you,” she sez, without so much as a “Hello” or “Nice evening.”

Now, way back in the intro, I mentioned that we are not real big on bein’ asked questions in general, and this specific question is a definite no-no.

“Are you a cop?” Nunzio shoots back, automatic-like.

This is a ‘Must Learn’ question for anyone whose livelihood depends on extra-legal activities, as if one asks it of a cop, however undercover they might be, they have to acknowledge their profession. Otherwise, any attempt to use the followin’ conversation as evidence is dismissed as entrapment.

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