M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

With me so far?

Okay, now review the circumstantials with me again, and see if youse can understand the dilemma facin’ us.

First of all, the Boss is working for the Mob.

Second, he has sent us to deal with the situation in Possiltum while he goes after Aahz.

Now, as he works for the Mob and we all work for him, the entire strike force which is currently movin’ on Queen Hemlock can be considered to be in the employment of the Mob.

Unfortunately, there is a deal in effect, one personally negotiated by Don Bruce himself, which says that no one in the Mob is to move against Possiltum! This means that our current operation is in direct violation of Don Bruce’s sworn word … and while I can’t say that notable has never gone back on his word, to do so is a decision he usually reserves for himself personally and tends to get more than a little peeved when someone else undertakes to break his word for him.

As you may have noted from followin’ whatever type of media is in vogue where you’re readin’ this, when someone of Don Bruce’s level in the Mob gets peeved, it is not usually expressed by an angry memo. If he feels his position or authority in the Mob is bein’ challenged by some overly frisky underling, his usual response is to squash said underling like a bug. Of course, in our position as bodyguards to the Boss, this places us between the Squasher and the Squashee, resultin’ in the edginess I was referrin’ to a couple pages back which necessitated this explanation.

Understand now? If not, just trust me that I know more about these things than youse, and that our whole crew will be in trouble with the Mob when and if Don Bruce finds out what we’re doin’.

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