M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

Nunzio shrugged. “If that were his inclination, all he’d have to do is marry Bunny and let Don Bruce hand him the whole organization on a platter as an inheritance.”

He is referrin’ to the fact that not only is Bunny Don Bruce’s niece, she is head over heels in love with the Boss … somethin’ which seems to have escaped his notice entirely. Like we said earlier … The Mob and broads … Stone stupid.

“You may be right …”

“Of course I’m right! It all fits!”

“… But even if you are, I’m not sure what difference it makes,” I finish, ignoring his rude interruption. “Whether we’re breakin’ Don Bruce’s word by accident or on purpose, we will still be in the line of fire when that notable decides to put things right.”

“The difference is that if we assume the Boss doesn’t want trouble with Don Bruce, we aren’t obligated to stand and fight. More specifically, we’re free to try to act as peace-makers between the two of them before blood starts to flow.”

This reasonin’ has a certain appeal to it, particularly as if said blood does indeed begin to flow, the odds are that it will be the two of us at the source of said flow.

“Okay,” I sez. “Assumin’ that you’re right about the Boss not wantin’ trouble, and assumin’ that Don Bruce lets you get a word in edgewise before the shootin’ starts, what are you gonna say to cool him down?”

“That part,” Nunzio hesitates, “… that part I’m still working on.”

It occurs to me that until my cousin comes up with a surefire sales pitch to settle things, all that takin’ a peace-maker role is accomplishin’ is committin’ us not to shoot back when the trouble starts!

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