M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Don’t worry about that, ‘Cruit!” he sez, though I notice his voice has gotten tighter. “Even if you get real lucky and tag me, you’re acting under orders so no charges will be brought.”

That was all I needed to hear. As a last precaution, I glance back at Nunzio where he’s standin’ in line, and he gives me a little nod with his head.

“Your cousin can’t help you now. Guide,” Smiley snaps, regainin’ a bit of confidence. “This is between you and me.”

That wasn’t why I was checkin’ with Nunzio, but I have no trouble goin’ with the flow, bein’ real adaptable when the music is startin’ and I am one of the designated dancers.

“I was just wonderin’,” I sez with a shrug. “It’s nice to know you know I’d be under orders. The question is whether or not that officer knows it.”

Now the sergeant is no dummy and I really don’t expect him to fall for the old “there’s someone behind you” gag … but he does. It isn’t until much later that I find out non-coms have a real thing about officers. That is, they are comfortable runnin’ the army … unless there is an officer somewhere in witnessin’ range. Anyway, Smiley starts cranin’ his neck around tryin’ to spot the officer to which I am referrin’, and when his head is turned away from me, I glide in on him.

If this tactic sounds a little strange to you, realize that if someone waves a sharpened hunk of metal at you, the last thing they are expectin’ is for you to charge them. What you are supposed to do is freeze up, or better yet run, thereby givin’ them ample leisure time to carve their initials on whatever portion of your anatomy is handiest. When you move forward instead of back, it tends to startle them, and they usually react by pokin’ at you with their weapon to try to get you to back off like the script says. This is really what you want, as it has put you in control of their attack and lets you bring it in where and when you want it instead of just standin’ and hopin’ they’ll go away while they play around on their own timetable.

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