M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

For a change, I have no difficulty lookin’ innocent and dumb, as he has totally lost me with his train of thought.


“What I have here are the papers promoting you to sergeant and Nunzio … he’s your cousin, isn’t he? … to corporal.”

Now I am really lost.

“Promotions, sir?”

“That’s right. Sergeant Smiley here has told me how the two of you have taken it on yourselves to lead your squad during training … even to the point of giving them extra training during off duty hours. After seeing for myself how you took command after … that mishap during training today, I have no problem approving your promotion. That’s the kind of leadership and incentive we like to see here in the army. Congratulations.”

“Thank you, sir,” I sez, not bein’ able to think of anything else to say.

“Oh yes … and one other thing. I’m pulling your entire unit out of training and assigning them to active duty. Ifs only garrison duty, but it’s the only thing available right now. I figure that anything more they need to learn, you can help them pick up on the job. That’s all … Sergeant Guido.”

It takes me a minute to register he is addressin’ me by my new rank, but I manage to come to attention and salute before turnin’ to go.

“If I may, sir,” I heard Sergeant Smiley say, “I’d like to have a word outside with Sergeant Guido before he rejoins his unit.”

I am half-expectin’ Smiley to try to jump me, bad arm and all, once we get outside, or at least lay some heavy threats on me about what would happen the next time our paths cross. Instead, he is all grins and holds out his good hand for me to shake.

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