M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Yes sir,” I sez. “No fraternizin’ with the women … No fightin’ with the men. Got it.”

“Very well, report back to your unit and see that they’re properly settled in. Then take the rest of the day to familiarize yourselves with the town, and report here for assignment tomorrow morning.”

“Yes sir.” I draw myself up and give him a snappy salute, which he returns without even lookin’ up.

I can’t help but I feel I have kinda gotten the bum’s rush on my briefin’, so on the way out I pause to have a few words with the commander’s clerk … a decision which I’ll admit is in part due to the factual that she is the only skirt I have seen in uniform except for Spyder, and I am beginnin’ to feel a little desperate for the sound of a female-type voice. Besides, I outrank her, and figure it is about time my new stripes work a little for me instead of against me.

“What’s the deal with the commander?” I sez, friendly-Iike, givin’ her one of my lesser used non-intimidatin’ smiles.

Instead of respondin’, however, this chick just stares at me blankly like she’s still waitin’ for me to say somethin’. Now, she is a tiny little thing, a bit on the slender side, so her starin’ at me with those big eyes starts makin’ me feel a little uncomfortable … like she’s a praying mantis tryin’ to decide if she should eat me before or after we mate.

“I mean, how come he’s writin’ poetry?” I add, just to get some kinda conversation flowin’.

“Lyrics,” she sez, in a flat sort of voice.

“Excuse me?”

“I said ‘lyrics’ … as in ‘words for songs’ He likes to perform in the local clubs at their open stage nights, and he writes his own material … constantly.”

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