M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

The proprietor has vanished like a cat burglar at the sound of a bell, but I soon discover him in a

small office behind the bar. He is holdin’ one of those small foldin’ cases with a mirror in it like broads use to check their makeup, only instead of powder and colored goop, his just seems to have a couple dials in it. Starin’ into the mirror, he twiddles with the dials a bit … and slowly the disguise he was wearin’ before came into focus again, leadin’ me to conclude that it is some kind of magik device. If it seems to youse that it took me a long time to reach this conclusion, you are makin’ the mistake of underestimatin’ my speed of thinkin’. Included in my observational analysis was a certain amount of speculation of whether such a device might be handy to have for my own use … as well as whether it would be better to obtain one on my own or simply include this one in my negotiations.

Apparently the gizmo also functions as a normal mirror, as the proprietor suddenly shifts the angle he is holdin’ it at so’s we are starin’ at each other in the glass, then he snaps it shut and turns to face me.

“What do you want?!” he snarls. “Haven’t you done enough to me already?”

I do not even bother tryin’ to point out that I am not the one what stripped him of his disguise spell, as I have learned durin’ my residence on Deva that unless they are actively sellin’, which fortunately is most of the time, Deveels are extremely unpleasant and unreasonable folks who do not accept that simple logic is sufficient reason to stop complainin’. They do, however, respond to reason.

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