M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

There are two flies which mar our enjoyment of this ointment, however, and here I am not referrin’ to the Flie brothers. First, there is the ever-present danger of runnin’ into someone from the Mob, as Frumple’s comments have confirmed our suspicion that they maintain some kind of presence here. Second, there is the annoyin’ detail that we are supposed to be working on an assignment, not havin’ a good time. Naturally, this is the subject of no small amount of conversation between Nunzio and me.

“The trouble is, we can’t really do a good job of disruptin’ without movin’ around town,” I was sayin’ durin’ one such discussion, “and if we move around town, then the odds of our runnin’ into someone from the Mob goes way up!”

“Then we’ll have to see what we can stir up from right here,” my cousin sez. “When you stop to think about it, this is a pretty good setup for it … makin’ trouble, I mean. Most of these women have husbands at home, and even the ones that don’t have sufficient standing in the community that if it comes to an altercation, the local authorities will have to take her side of it.”

“Why do you say that? I mean, why should messin’ with these broads cause any more hassle than any others?”

Instead of answerin’ right away, Nunzio leans back and gives me the hairy eyeball for a few minutes.

“Guido,” he says at last, “Are you tryin’ to be stupid just to get a rise out of me?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that you yourself said that our commander told us that it was okay if we messed with bimbos, but to leave the respectable women alone. Yet now that I am tryin’ to put together a specific course of action, you are actin’ like it is a brandnew concept to you.”

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