M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“I suppose … but don’t you think that such activity would violate at least the spirit of our agreement, by which I mean the implication that we would not make trouble for our host?”

“That is the portion of your discomfort which I find the most amusing,” Nunzio sez with an infuriatin’ grin. “Realizing that Deveels make their living as well as their reputation by honoring the letter rather than the spirit of their agreements, I think it is ironic that you are recoiling from dealing with them with the same ethic that they deal with others.”

I consider this for a few minutes, then take a deep breath and blow it out noisily.

“You know, cousin,” I sez. “You’re right. I mean, when you’re right, you’re right … know what I mean?”

“I do,” Nunzio frowned, “which is in itself a little disturbing.”

“So … when do you think we should start?”

“Well … how about right now?”

While my cousin has convinced me that it would be within the bounds of ethical behavior to launch our campaign, such an accelerated-type timetable catches me unawares.

“Excuse me?”

“I said how about starting right now. Opportunity should be seized when it presents itself … and right now there is a young lady at the bar who has been checking you out for the last several minutes.”

I sneak a peek in the direction he is lookin’, and sure enough … there is one of those classy broads I have been tellin’ you about, a blonde to be specific, perched on a bar stool and starin’ right at me. I know this to be true, ’cause though for a minute I thought she was lookin’ at someone else, as soon as our eyes meet, she closes one eye in a broad wink and smiles.

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