M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

As I was sayin’ before I was so rudely interrupted, I am at a bit of a loss as to how to respond to this advance.

“Right now?” I sez. “Don’t you want to talk for a while first?”

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like me?” she sez, startin’ to pout a little. “Should I go peddle my wares somewhere else?”


“Watch it,” she sez, flat and nasty. “It’s a figure of speech.”


I am vastly relieved to hear this. The only thing more depressin’ to a sensitive guy like me than learnin’ that a female is interested in him for his body and not his mind is learnin’ that her real interest is in his wallet.

“Well?” she sez, cockin’ an eyebrow at me.

Though I am, perhaps, a little dense at pickin’ up cues from a skirt, let it never be said I am slow once the message has gotten through. Scant seconds later I have acquired the key to a room from Frumple and am leadin’ this vision of loveliness up the narrow stairs … well, followin’ her, actually, as experience has taught me that this gives one an excellent view of the sway of her hips, which is to me still one of the most beautiful and hypnotic sights in any dimension.

In a masterful display of control, I manages not to fumble with the key whilst unlockin’ the door, and even stand aside to let her enter first.

Bein’ a broad, she whips out one of those foldin’ mirrors and starts checkin’ her makeup even before I finish lockin’ the door behind us.

“So,” I sez, over my shoulder, “What do you want to do first?”

To be honest with youse, at this point I have no interest at all in creatin’ a hassle. Instead, I am thankin’ my lucky stars that a skirt like this would give a lug like me a second look, and hopin’ we can get on with things before she changes her mind.

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