M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

I make a sincere effort to ignore her bouncin’ whilst I try to think of a good reason not to go along with her suggestion. Somehow I am not sure my actin’ skills are up to pretendin’ to be physically forward with Tananda … but I am even less enthusiastic about havin’ Nunzio take the part.

“I dunno, Tananda,” I sez, reluctant-like. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. I mean, we might pull it off once … but if we’re successful in our play-actin’, then Nunzio and me end up in the stockade and out of action for the duration.”

“Oh yeah?” she sez, cockin’ her remainin’ eyebrow at me. “So what were you thinking would happen when you brought me up here this evening?”

“Ummm …” I sez, recallin’ that, unfortuitously, takin’ the Fifth Amendment only works in court.

“Never mind, Guido,” she grins. “I withdraw the question. Tell you what, though. If being directly involved makes you uneasy, just line me up with one of your army buddies. You’ve been in long enough that you should have a pretty good idea of who we can sucker.”

I find that I am not wild about this idea either; first, because it seems like a dirty trick to play on any of the crew what’s been workin’ with Nunzio and me the last few weeks, and second, because I find I am not overjoyed with the idea of anybody pawin’ Tananda. Still, I had to accept that we was gonna have to break somebody’s eggs to get this omelette made, and that Tananda is right, it would be easier and quicker to do if we set the thing up ourselves.

“Okay, Tananda,” I sez. “We’ll try it that way.”

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