M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Swell,” I sez, with more enthusiasm than I am feelin’. “Then we’re all set. Youse go ahead and leave first. I’ll stay up here awhile and give youse a head start.”

As soon as she is gone, I settle myself to try to sort out my misgivin’s about how things are goin’ on this assignment. It doesn’t take long to figure out that I am sufferin’ under a burden of conflictin’ loyalties.

Youse may find this surprisin’ from someone in my line of work, but loyalty and betrayin’ trust counts very high up in my books … which is one of the things I have always admired about the M.Y.T.H. Inc. crew as they all seem to value the same thing.

In the past, I’ve managed to balance my loyalties between the Boss and the Mob, as the strange approach the Boss takes to things has not directly threatened any of the Mob’s interests. This current situational, however, is turnin’ out to be a horse of a different caliber.

In plannin’ to stir up trouble between the civilians and the army, I am violatin’ the trust placed in me as a representative of the army … but I have managed to rationalize this as it is my reason for joinin’ the army in the first place, so in this matter I am actin’ kinda like a spy with my loyalty clearly with the Boss.

Nunzio has convinced me that I am not violatin’ my deal with Frumple by usin’ his place as a site for our mischief, as it falls outside the agreement we made. This strikes me as a little shaky, but I can be flexible when the occasion calls for it.

This latest plan, though, of settin’ up someone in your squad to be the fall guy is real hard to see as any thin’ except betrayin’ a friend. Still, Tananda is right … it is the best way to be sure that things go the way we want ’em to.

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