M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“Now, don’t take it so hard,” Nunzio scowled, as always interpreting my word wrong. “I didn’t mean it. I’m just a little sore, is all.”

I assumed he was referring to his foot. The human was feeling chatty, however, and I soon learned otherwise.

“I just don’t know what’s goin’ on lately, Gleep. Know what I mean? On the paperwork things couldn’t be goin’ better, except lately everybody’s been actin’ crazy. First the Boss buys a casino we built for somebody else, then overnight he wants to sell it. Bunny and Tananda are goin’ at each other for a while, then all of a sudden Bunny’s actin’ quiet and depressed and Tananda … did you know she wanted to borrow money from me the other day? Right after she gets done with that collection job? I don’t know what she did with her commission or why she doesn’t ask the Boss for an advance or even what she needs the money for. Just ‘Can you spot me some cash, Nunzio? No questions asked?’, and when I try to offer my services as a confidential type, she sez ‘In that case, forget it. I’ll ask someone else!’ and leaves all huffy-like. I’ll tell ya, Gleep, there’s sumpin’ afoot, and I’m not sure I like it.”

He was raising some fascinating points, points which I’ll freely admit had escaped my notice. While I had devoted a certain portion of my intellect to deciphering the intricascies of human conduct, there was much in the subtleties of their intraspecies relationships which eluded me … particularly when it came to individuals other than Skeeve. Reflecting on Nunzio’s words, I realized that my pet had not been to see me much lately, which was in itself a break in pattern. Usually he would make time to visit, talking to me about the problems he had been facing and the self-doubts he felt. I wondered if his increased absences were an offshoot of the phenomenon Nunzio was describing. It was food for thought, and something I promised myself I would consider carefully at a later point. Right now, there were more immediate matters demanding my attention . . . like the people burrowing in under the floor.

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