M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

The other problem I encountered was one which I am surprised no one saw to fit to warn me about. That is that when one works with Pixie Dust, it must be remembered that it floats, and therefore pours up instead of down.

When first I attempted to sprinkle a little Pixie Dust on a Magic Floating Coaster, I was puzzled as to why the coaster would not subsequently float. On the chance that I had not applied a sufficient quantity of the substance in question, I added some more . . . and then a little more, not realizin’ that it was floatin’ up toward the ceilin’ instead of down onto the coaster. Unfortunately, I was bent over the coaster at the time, as I was tryin’ to keep the bag from floatin’ away, and unbeknownst to me the dust was sprinklin’ onto me rather than the coaster in question. The first admissible evidence I had that things was goin’ awry was when I noticed that my feet were no longer in contact with the floor and that indeed I had become as buoyant as the bag which I was tryin’ to hold down. Fortuitously, my grip is firm enough to crumble bricks so I managed to maintain my hold on the bag and eventually pull myself down the safety line instead of floatin’ to the ceilin’ in independent flight. Further, I was able to brush the Pixie Dust off my clothes so as to maintain my groundward orientation as well as my dignity.

The only thing which was not understandable about this passing incident was the uninvolvement of the other worker types. Not only had they not come over to assist me in my moment of misfortune, they had also refrained from making rude and uproarious noises at my predicament. This second point in particular I concerned myself with as bein’ unusual, as worker types are notorious jokesters and unlikely to pass up such an obvious opportunity for low amusement.

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