M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

The reason for this did indeed become crystalline when we finally broke for lunch, I was just settlin’ in to enjoy my midday repast, and chanced to ask the worker type seated next to me to pass me a napkin from the receptice by him as it was not within my reach. Instead of goin’ along with this request as one would expect any civilized person to do, this joker mouths off to the effect that he won’t give the time of day to any company spy, much less a napkin. Now if there is one thing I will not tolerate it is bein’ called a fink, especially when I happen to be workin’ as one. I therefore deem it necessary to show this individual the error of his assumptions by bendin’ him a little in my most calm, friendly manner. Just when I think we are startin’ to communicate, I notice that someone is beatin’ me across the back with a chair. This does nothin’ to improve my mood, as I am already annoyed to begin with, so I prop the Mouth against a nearby wall with one hand, thereby freein’ the other which I then use to snag the other cretin as he winds up for another swing. I am just beginnin’ to warm up to my work when I hear a low whistle of wamin’ from the crowd which has naturally gathered to watch our discussion, and I look around to see one of the foremen ambling over to see what the commotion’s about.

Now foremen are perhaps the lowest form of management, as they are usually turncoat worker types, and this one proves to be no exception to the norm. Without so much as a how-do-you-do, he commences to demand to know what’s goin’ on and who started it anyway. As has been noted, I already had my wind up and was seriously considerin’ whether or not to simply expand our discussion group to include the foreman when I remember how nervous Bunny was and consider the difficulty I would have explainin’ the situation to her if I were to suffer termination the first day on the job for roughin’ up a management type. Consequently I shift my grip from my two dance partners to my temper and proceed to explain to the foreman that no one has started anythin’ as indeed nothin’ is happenin’ . . . that my colleagues chanced to fall down and I was simply helpin’ them to their feet is all.

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