M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

Now mind you, the work doesn’t really bother me all that much. One of the chores me and Nunzio toss coins over back home is cleanin’ up after the Boss’s dragon, and after that. Doggie Doodle really looks like a bit of an understatement, if you know what I mean. If anything, this causes me to chuckle a bit as I work, for while I am on assignment Nunzio must do the honors all by himself, so by comparison my end of the stick looks pretty clean. Then too, the fact that Roxie and Sion is now playin’ tricks on me is a sign that I am indeed bein’ accepted as one of the worker types, which will make my job considerably easier.

The only real problem I have with my assignment is that, considerin’ the product with which I am workin’, I feel it would be unwise to test the security-type precautions when I leave work that night. Even if I wished to liberate a few samples, which I was not particularly desirous of doin’ since as I have noted we already have lots at home of a far superior quality, the “Realistic, Life-like Aroma that Really Sticks to Your Hands,” would negate its passin’ unnoticed by even the densest security-type guard.

As it turns out, this was a blessin’ incognito. When closin’ time finally rolls around, I discover that it would not be as easy to sneak stuff out of this plant as I had originally perceived. Everything the worker types took out of the plant with ‘em was given the once and twice over by hard-eyed types who definitely knew what they were doin’, and while we didn’t have to go through a strip search, we did have to walk one at a time through a series of alarm systems that used a variety of rays to frisk us for objects and substances belongin’ to the company. As it was, I almost got into trouble because there were still lingerin’ specks of Pixie Dust on me from my morning duties, but Roxie stepped forward and explained things to the guards that was rapidly gatherin’ and they settled for reclaimin’ the Pixie Dust without things gettin’ too personal.

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