M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“Guido, what’s wrong?” she sez when we meet. “You look terrible!”

As I have said, Bunny is a swell head, but she is still a skirt, which means she has an unerring instinct for what to say to pick a guy up when he’s under the weather.

“I am depressed,” I sez, since she wasn’t around when I explained it to you. “The workin’ conditions at the plant are terrible, especially considerin’ the pay we aren’t gettin’.”

At this. Bunny rolls her eyes and groans to express her sympathy.

“Oh, Guido! You’re talking just like a … what is it that you call them? Oh, yes. Just like a worker type.”

“That’s ‘cause I am a worker type!”

This earns me the hairy eyeball.

“No, you’re not,” she sez real hard-like. “You’re an executive for M.Y.T.H. Inc. here on an investigation. Now quit being negative and let’s talk about the job.”

It occurs to me that she has a truly unusual concept of how to avoid negative thinkin’.

“Suit yourself,” I sez, givin’ her my best careless shrug like I usually save for court performances. “As far as the job goes, I am truly at a dead end. After a week I have discovered nothin’ and don’t have the foggiest where to look next.”

“Good!” she sez, breakin’ into a smile which could melt an iceberg, of which there are very few at the Bazaar with which I could test my hyperbole. Naturally I am surprised.

“Perhaps my small-but-normally-accurate ears are deceivin’ me. Bunny. Did I understand you to say that it’s a good thing that I am gettin’ nowhere in my investigations?”

“That’s right. You see, I think I’m on to something at my end, and if you’re coming up empty in the plant, maybe you can help me with my theories! Now here’s what I want you to do.”

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